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Reviews for "CI: Unregulated"


That was some sweet shit! It was like looking at a video game for a few moments, it was so good! Like CS in space or something!

The 3D models were very well made, but I think the 2D human threw the movie's feel for that moment you had it. It was a nice touch, but maybe if that was 3D as well the scene would've flowed better. Just suggesting, but it was kick-ass nonetheless.

Good luck in your future endeavors.


Just, woah. You come back without a warning or hint, and WHAM! You bust in with the best space-fighter Flash I've EVER seen!

With this Flash, you just told me to get off my lazy ass and continue scripting Red Zero!

Amazing work, however, on the mother-ship, I noticed low-res textures. It ALMOST brought the Graphics to 9, but I dealt with it.

I see you like HL2 as well :)

Oh, I also noticed that the space-fighter's HUD was similar to UT2K4's Skarrj Spacefighter. It looked similar. Nice job :)

Great movie

A Great movie that I hope there will be a second part two. I like that battle scenes and the background music was great for the scene.


good movie- u should make a game out of wat happens after the Hive invasions. oh, and how is it possible for a few fighters to have a CHANCE of taking down a cruiser of that size? ah dont listen to me then.


Why didnt George Lucas get u on the star wars team m8?

seriously, awesome music, awesome graphics. the reason i didnt give it 10 is basically coz sci-fi battle things aren't really my sorta 'OMFG THAT WAS A 10'. seriously tho, u r a professional no doubt about it XD