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Reviews for "CI: Unregulated"

Very nice!!!

WOW that was probaly one of the best flash ive seen in a long time and I rarely give 10's out for anything but you've earned a 10 in my book hope to see more of these and soon.

Great Work

This is something I would definitely love to see a season made for. I watched all three episodes and they were absolutely amazing. Keep up the good work and I hope to see your next flash animation coming soon. By the way, can somebody teach me how to do flash? I have a good idea.

what ChaDMcBaDD said...

The graphics were extremely well done.
Very nice work, however, compared to the fantastic models, the explosions were a bit of a let down. Besides that, it was great!

Very nicely done.

A very will done piece, the animation and the flow of the story make it all work very nicely. I am sure you will have many people requesting another segment.

Great Plus!!!

Hy!, you did a nice work on this animation, looks awesome on everyway, enjoy when the pilot was going to die inside the ship and decide to suicide(kind of independence day) that was cool, well done sounds and overall is pretty perfect. Gave you 9, that's good brou. Keep up the nice work!
