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Reviews for "CI: Unregulated"


iv,e thinked i was playing it amaizing good work


:O........... amazing

*I am death incarnate*


i really dont think ive ever seen such a good flash before... excellent choice os music... and kick ass opening sequence... can wait to see if you make a part two...

Just.... wow

Wat flash program did you use to make those kind of cannons and fighters?There was so much detail that it was like something you'd see on the Sci-Fi channel.

I don't understand how anyone could give you less than a 10 for graphics, I'd give higher but it only goes up to 10.

now the fighter pilots seemed to be the weakpoint of the graphics, since the spacecraft graphics were so impressive, it shows that you were capable of making something like this so I dunno. but the actual view was so cool.

Just from a guess I can see ur most likely a big StarWars, Mission Impossible and TopGun fan.

If you haven't seen any of these movies I advise you do so now. anyway if you made a story, for this thing? it would be like uber good x like a million.

McFretN responds:

see "software used" in credits. The battle scenes in starwars are enjoyable although im not a fan. I dont see the relation with mission impossible (except that this movie depicts a mission that turns out to be impossible). And top gun was an anime series with robotsuits right? i might have seen that once. was mildly interesting

Thrillingly good animation

I didn't think flash animation could get this good. I guess the limits are a lot farther than I thought. The part where the mercenary runs his ship into the cruiser was inspired by the ending of Independence Day, right?

Great work, I'll be glad when you upload your next flash into the portal.