Very well done
That animation was pretty smooth and it was well drawn. It had a nice storyline I suppose so, good work.
Very well done
That animation was pretty smooth and it was well drawn. It had a nice storyline I suppose so, good work.
Pretty Good
Very good i like how you combined 2D and 3D graphics in this.Reminds me of the a few missions from the Homeworld series of games.
good graphics but something felt vacant
The graphics were good but the fight scenes felt a little slow. I hate battlestar galactica so i guess i wouldn't like this one. But it was alright
...o_0 woah nice..
omfg Man how long did it take you 2 make this it was just plain awsome
Nice, 3D
It reminds me of a game I've been playing on my PDA, yes I am that cool. I like it though, although the ending seemed a little anti-climatic
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