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Reviews for "Jumbo anime tutorial!"

thats it

i see you put in the "next" button. its much easyer to use now, well done

skull-basher responds:

hey thanks im glad you liked it!


better than before but dont fuck with the preloader and reduce the file size of yout TB song, compressing

skull-basher responds:


not bad

It wasn't that informative to me anyway. I'm already very well versed in Drawing and sketching life, so anime is NO challenge. But I do appreciate the more informative animations a lot more than the completely unoriginal and useless anime ninja videos Newgrounds is littered with.

skull-basher responds:

Thanks man!

Great job

You listened to reviews and improved on your old tutorial and guess what, you have a better score! These review things really do help eh?

skull-basher responds:

yea I tryed following everyones suggestions as best I could