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Reviews for "Jumbo anime tutorial!"

Very Helpful

Iv had Flash for some time but i never really tried it, as a result my small flash attempts are......better ignored.
Anyway, i found ur tutorial very helpful and i tried following it, admittedly my attempt is not as urs but it far better than anything ells iv done, so thank you, and PLZ make more! I need um!

skull-basher responds:

Im glad I helped. more are coming..but im only allowed to submit 2 per day so...


... thx ... this is a good tutorial 2 help people ...

and for awesome_animator ... qoute:in the eyes, you should have a sopt of white, like so it looks a bit shiny, have like right to the upper left of the pupil and it makes there eyes look more pretty

its also 2 bring the character 2 life ... not only 2 make them prettier ;)

skull-basher responds:

yea..again Im making a tut. specifically for eyes...should be done by tomorrow- monday. depending on how I do with my naruto flahs Im working on.

Whoa that was cool.

wow dude that is an awesome tutorial! that actually helped me a bit, but i have advice for you, at least for the girls face. ya see, in the eyes, you should have a sopt of white, like so it looks a bit shiny, have like right to the upper left of the pupil and it makes there eyes look more pretty....ish...ya know what i mean?? well ya thats all, the tutorial was great man! i mean, so much info.

skull-basher responds:

I know...Im doing a special tut on eyes soon....I just didnt cause it was so small

nice tutorial

this seems like an exact copy from the How To Draw Manga Website tutorial, if some one really wants to learn how to draw anime they should go to howtodrawmanga.com then click on the tutorial option, its under the Fun Stuff Menu. but if your too lazy then you could watch this movie.

skull-basher responds:

im not quite sure if thats an insult or compliment.....but thanks for the review

Good, good.

Remember me? I'm the critic. I liked this one.

skull-basher responds:

wow thats great....but..there were alot of critics..but yea I remember you