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Reviews for "Jumbo anime tutorial!"

Very Nice. Here's A Fiver From Me!

I actually got a good lesson out of this! I'm working on my first Flash at the moment, and you actually made me catch a mistake I was making with my schematics. You have a real solid anime art foundation to present here, and I hope to see more from you. Spelling, spelling, spelling. That's my biggest concern, as correct spelling dictates how serious your work will be considered as you grow and submit more. My best advise would be to write everything out in an email or Word document that you can keep for yourself and run everything through a spell check. Copy and paste each paragraph into your text areas as needed. Other than that, Fantastic Work! Keep it up!


skull-basher responds:

Thanks...Im glad you got some use outta it.

This is nice.

Nobody like a person better if he has low self esteem but other than that I have to say it was nice but it could have used more info regarding the shading you did there.

skull-basher responds:

uh...I dont have low selfasteem. I just said that because many people insult drawing tutorials by saying that they suck at drawing. then they usually respond by cursingout the reviewer. I was just saying that If you didnt find it helpfull than i wasted your time, I realize this, so dont go on to me in a review about how much I suck.

can I give you some advice??

lame question being as im going to give it either way huh?? Anyways.. your tutorial was cool.. It really was helpful (at least for me).. anyways what Im trying to say is.. you should be more confident in your work, saying things like "If this tutorial didnt help you at all then I apologise for wasteing your time" dosnt help your cause... because the truth is if someone spent the time going through your entire tutorial chances are they do need your help.. comments like that just make you seem weak.. and a little bit too eager to make EVERYONE happy.. if someone didnt find your tutorial helpful... srew them.. right? anyways good job...

skull-basher responds:

yea thanks man!...well...I accually DO want everyone to like it..to rase my score :)

not bad

not bad make better

skull-basher responds:

"make better"....it would help if you would elaborate

If you wanted to do more....

...then you should have not bothered having the song on there. The reason why your file was too big for anything else was because you threw in an entire song. Either cut it down to a nice loop, or don't have it at all. The file size was too big for something like this.

On the tutorial. It was okay. You did explain step by step on how to do faces and bodies, but I just didn't think the art itself was very good. Especially since the girl had Popeye arms.

skull-basher responds:

accually people asked for the song..thats why I put it in.....popeye arms?????