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Reviews for "Jumbo anime tutorial!"

You gave a piece of advice "anime"artists need.

Just like your review on my movie, the complaint is the same: I didn't like the music. A button to turn it off would have been nice.

But let's put aside our differences in musical taste and talk about something we have in common, and that's art. I liked that you use the method of "cross on the face". I do that as well, it ensures that one does not draw one eye higher than the other Off-set eyes are a common mistake of "anime artists" on the internet and the quickest way I can tell that an artist sucks. Hopefully some people can take you advice and draw better faces.

I also liked your "45-degree angle" rule for breasts... Tits are not always exactly like that but it's a good rule to keep anyway. A piece of advice I should add to any reader in general when drawing breasts: the height of nipples are usually about one head-length down from the bottom of one's chin.

All in all a good drawing tut but you could have made a more professional-looking preloader and perhaps added something like a frame around the perimeter so that you'd have more than a plain white background.

skull-basher responds:

thank you for the constructive critizism...I am making another tutorial right now and its about drawing anime eyes....I am improving alot and my buttons work much better and there is a button for music..

Very nice tutorial

Very well done I liked it very much. You had a wide variety of pictures and different tutorials to go with it. i give you a 4 :)

skull-basher responds:

thanks alot man!..im glad you liked it..could you tell me in the forum some things I could inprove on? (other than what was previosly mentoned) Im still workin on the sext one so Im all up sor suggestions...


As i said in BBS the tutorial is excellent, and i really like the music, plus it helps that you are an awesome anime artist, but as with everything there is a downside, the layout: backround and buttons could use some work.

Can't wait for the next one!

skull-basher responds:

thanks man!..next one is coming soon its on eyes! (see bbs post)


This is your best tutorial yet! Great work man. Its definitely helpful, my only suggestion is you might want to go into detail.

Its definitely one of the better tutorials on NG and not too far from being one of the greats.

skull-basher responds:

thanks! and yea I will go into more detail in the next one...but Im workin on ssumthin rightnow so...


This was much much much much better than anime tut#3, no offense. Very helpful and very easy to follow. Good job.

skull-basher responds:

yea I know..thanks Im glad you liked it