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Reviews for "Jumbo anime tutorial!"

If you wanted to do more....

...then you should have not bothered having the song on there. The reason why your file was too big for anything else was because you threw in an entire song. Either cut it down to a nice loop, or don't have it at all. The file size was too big for something like this.

On the tutorial. It was okay. You did explain step by step on how to do faces and bodies, but I just didn't think the art itself was very good. Especially since the girl had Popeye arms.

skull-basher responds:

accually people asked for the song..thats why I put it in.....popeye arms?????

not bad

not bad make better

skull-basher responds:

"make better"....it would help if you would elaborate


well i dunno hw this got on but i can tell u its the worst anime tut ive seen ever lol

Large file size...

And no preloader = BLAM!
There is no excuse for no preloader!
Regardless of connection speed, the person DL'ing the Flash needs to know that something is happening.
Why? Because the person ''on the other end of the line'' needs to know if the connection is working or not. That's the whole point of a preloader.
It says ''please wait, something IS happening''.
A blank window says ''be a chump''.
No thanks...

skull-basher responds:

uh..I did have a preloader..it was just kinda messed up..I still dont think that warrents a "0"