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Reviews for "Old School Anime Tribute"

One of the best Collages ever

Seriously, after viewing this, I had to give it all 10s, because it was that good. It is one of the best tributes to the old school I have ever witnessed, and Astro Boy--the one who started it all (having brought anime to the mainstream after being created by Osamu Tezuka), at the end of it, was a nice touch.

Very cool

It was decent of you not putting Dragonball or Salormoon in it because we all know that by now. I was kinda disappointed when you didnt show Speed Racer and Lupin the Third in the mix. Weren't those shows in the same era?

You get my 5

hey nice tribute thingy

dude this was awesome, it was long, but it was all awesome and i watched all of it, i have seen almost all of those cartoons in there, very nice man, very nice




damn nice
and the gundam and space battle ship yamato
done very well my friend

Well, that sure took me back...

Ahhh, nostalgia. Great vid man, I can tell you worked hard on it =3