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Reviews for "Old School Anime Tribute"

(wipes tear from eye)

Although the animation was bad, it was just good enough to be standable. It makes me to happy to see people that remember the Old School stuff. 009, Kikaider, Astroboy, Moble Suit Gundam, it makes me happy to see there's a few people out there that aren't just wanna-bes. Also since there wasn't anything I DIDN'T like there. This truly is a good tribute.

Awesome tribute

The animation in this movie was EXCELLENT! It was clear that you put alot of time in animating your work. My only knock is the artwork was rough, of course you are only one person, and only one person can do so much. Fantastic movie, awesome animation, and look forward to more from you.

Pretty Good

Pretty good animations.

this was great but....

and this is very minor but i think you should have done astro boy first considering it actually was the very first anime. it also looks like you spent a while perfecing this it was good.


i dont what that dude was thinking not original man i loved it has to be one of the best old school anime tributes ive seen in a long ass time keep it up