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Reviews for "Old School Anime Tribute"

Tranzor Z!

Tranzor-motherfucking-Z....or Mazinger Z, as I guess it was called in Japan was a very integral part of my childhood along with Voltron and Transformers.

That gets my 5 right there.


wow...that was pretty good, except for astroboy...he was fat...oh well, keep it up! oh and i kan make a cat! (>*-*<)
isn't it cool?

A real tribute.

Alot of the anime you used in this is anime that I have been a fan of for quite some time. The first one, I don't remmember, but i thought it was actually called Gigantor. Anyway, nice work on the hommeage.

Great! I love anime!!!!!!

Great job on the graphics and movements of the characters. I felt that you left out a lot of good anime, like evangelion. Personally I would have liked to see some Rurouni Kenshin. But overall it was very good.

cool flash

i thought it was a great idea but i thought the choice of anime shows were kinda shitty. none the less i still liked it. good job.