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Reviews for "Old School Anime Tribute"

hell yeah

all hail anime made in late the 70s and the early 80s!!! u did a helluva a job capturing the the style and attitude... heh, thanks for spending a whole lot of the time on 0079 and astro boy. =)

mmark-oldflash responds:

Thanks. I meant most of it on 0079 because I knew most people would identify with that section easily. Astro Boy was a last minute addition that I put in at the last minute because you can't have an old school tribute without the first anime TV series ever created.

Brings back memories

I remember seeing alot of those animes. The only other one i can think of that wasn't there was one of the original getter robo shows. Awsome work.

Well done

Well done on this flash, you know i used to watch this when it came out and everybody thought it was stupid because it just started out here. I watch Cowboy beebop and 009 and all the others but ive never heard of astro boy and i like your techno music too. You did well

Way to go!

Great job honoring old school anime with some awesome flash skills!

And... wtf?! An anime tribute without tracing?!?!


wow thanx

you reminded me how much old school anime sux but non the less goood work