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Reviews for "Old School Anime Tribute"

Cute mascot

the art was so-so. There were times it was pretty good and there were times it really sucked. The music, I dont think you could have won either way. What you did use was really repetitive and ground on my nerves, but, if you had mixed it up, Id complain about that too for whatever reason. It was pretty good, I did like it, but it wasn't that great.

Holy shit !

So many hours and talent "wasted" into this "empty" creation.
I say "wasted" cause it's not really wasted.
I say "empty" cause it's not that empty, just lacks something actually interesting for me and probably for most people.
Don't get me wrong that was very good.
But it breaks my heart to see so much time put into that when you could have worked on a nice story, the start of a great serie, something interesting you know (no you don't ? that's just me)
Anyway good work, keep it up


Honestly... the only one that was well drawn out was the Gundam Wing tribute... the rest... I was quite embarassed to watch... don't take it took hard though.

not bad

it was good not too bad. BUT we coulda survived not seeing fago boy errrr...umm i mean astro boy

Not a bad tribute.

But a tribute is all it is. I'm glad overratted and overplayed stuff like DragonBall didn't make it in, but what about stuff like Kimba the White Lion? Just an afterthought.