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Reviews for "Old School Anime Tribute"

Cute mascot

the art was so-so. There were times it was pretty good and there were times it really sucked. The music, I dont think you could have won either way. What you did use was really repetitive and ground on my nerves, but, if you had mixed it up, Id complain about that too for whatever reason. It was pretty good, I did like it, but it wasn't that great.


Honestly... the only one that was well drawn out was the Gundam Wing tribute... the rest... I was quite embarassed to watch... don't take it took hard though.


I'm glad to see that you added all these old school animes, and you did a good job with them. Although my only beef with it was that the music was bland and boring. Might look into something from Tiesto or Oakenfold or something like that. Hmm would have been nice to see some Galaxy Express 999 in there, since that series is amazing... but great job nonetheless.


I liked it, your animation may not be the best but you have great taste in anime.

Sieg Zeon!!!


im not very fond of cyborg 009 or astroboy (blech), but i do respect the fact that ur making a tribute to anime... however i would like to see some stuff for fooly cooly (altho u might have to boost the rating to mature ;)) nonetheless excellent job