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Reviews for "Old School Anime Tribute"

hell yeah

all hail anime made in late the 70s and the early 80s!!! u did a helluva a job capturing the the style and attitude... heh, thanks for spending a whole lot of the time on 0079 and astro boy. =)

mmark-oldflash responds:

Thanks. I meant most of it on 0079 because I knew most people would identify with that section easily. Astro Boy was a last minute addition that I put in at the last minute because you can't have an old school tribute without the first anime TV series ever created.

(wipes tear from eye)

Although the animation was bad, it was just good enough to be standable. It makes me to happy to see people that remember the Old School stuff. 009, Kikaider, Astroboy, Moble Suit Gundam, it makes me happy to see there's a few people out there that aren't just wanna-bes. Also since there wasn't anything I DIDN'T like there. This truly is a good tribute.

The last reviewer is on crack

I don't know what the last reviewer is talking about, its a very nice rendition of all the old school animes, go cry me a river if you don't like old school anime style, why did you WATCH it if you don't like that style ne?

This was an excellent flash that really took me back to the anime classics out there. Excellent job. The music gets a little repedative, I reccomend changing the music for each new show, thats really the only improvement I can reccomend, otherwise its EXCELLENT work!


i dont what that dude was thinking not original man i loved it has to be one of the best old school anime tributes ive seen in a long ass time keep it up


This was cool, i regonized several of them. Loved how Astro Boy posed at the end, it was cute!