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Reviews for "Old School Anime Tribute"


I liked it, my fav tribute was to Gundum Wing, though I hate Astro Boy, so I didn't really like that one. But all in all It was pretty good.

-Psycho 0.o
P.S: Toronto's Anime North is and always will be North America's best Anime Convention. Just 3 more months! W00T!

Uhuh DeusX, Riiiiiight.

This movie was good. It wasn't the best anime tribute around but it's alot better than what I can do at the moment. All the anime you used in it were good so that's kool too.

As for DeusX, the fuck you want idiot? As if your ass can animate. I bet you can't anime with you hand let alone your ass. As for DeusX the fuck you want idiot? If you can get a movie that a) gets a reward. and b) doesn't suck as much as your so called "Anime Stik" then maybe I would respect you a little more.

Anyway, great animation, and keep up the good work.


ok, but could be better

Ur movie was ok, but the anime u drew could have been better. i mean like comeon, i know 11 year olds that can draw better. Keep practicing though

it was good..

i hope you could put a little more effort in some parts(mazinger Z) but it was still good...and i can't believe someone wanted Reboot to be included on this..


Not original, but not terrible...