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Reviews for "Gerald Ford's Life"

scary shit

well there must have been some american humor there coz all the jokes went rite over my head this was the freakest shit ive seen.

go hang yourself!

Seek help...soon.

Holy jumpin' Jesus that was something else,strange,pointless,yet somehow it captured my utmost attention and encouraged me to lay down a good score for it.My only complaint is that Gerald Ford AKA:"Mr. Duh",should have taken a bite out of Walter Mondale or perhaps nibbled on Geraldine Ferraro,that would have made a fine cinematic moment.


yeah this was extremely crappy, I hated it to be honest with you. Crappy graphics and the plot was basicly: Gerald Ford eats stuff.

Thank you for saying my connenction fucking sucks too.

get help

your brain don't feel well, get help for the sake of your loved ones. There is no meaning for you to go around being all messed upp in the head.

One giant eh

Anyway, I think you got him confused with Zachary Taylor.