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Reviews for "Gerald Ford's Life"

RIP Ford

I'll confess i dont know enough about him(other then the chick from the manson family almost shot him and him and trudeau robbed Alberta) to love him or hate him. He was before my time and I'm Canadian. But when he died the first thing i thought of was this cartoon. no joke.

Ha ha ha!



I would give my right nad for more flashes like this. I'm serious. Unfortunately I already pledged it to one of those orphan drives, and the left one...well the less said about that the better.
By the way, I accidentally blammed this.

This is so fuckin' great

this is one of my favorite movies from u beside the beebo ones but its still great

especially the part with the dancing castro OMG i was laughing for like an hour...

all i can say is i hope you make more historically accurate things like this in...THE FUTURa HAHAHAHAH!!!!1

Uh...I'm gonna take a stab.

Is this to mean that Gerald Ford did absolutely nothing of importance in his administration? If so, good job.