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Reviews for "Gerald Ford's Life"

Random and funny

So I for one found this to be entertaining and funny the visuals could have been better more art like scenes might have worked but the jpeg pics were ok too, this was an entertaining film you have here though some nice work If I do say so myself, so nice job.

No changes it was entertaining enough


That was weird. I could tell from the animation it was you. At first I thought DrunkMagiKoopa made this. Ford dealt with Fidel Castro? Well, he was the leader of Cuba forever. I couldn't even find the "Play" button at first.

Godfart? What a strange name. This was certainly creative at least. It was a bit too short. It was still watchable.


hey Ive seen a few of your live action movies and they were fucking hillarious where can I find those? i.e. the guy who lost his eye and the ghost one

fabulous999 responds:

Youtube, bruh

im so confused

were you just trying to create metaphors to say he is just strange???

cause thats all i can figure

I liked it.

You should make more Beebo because it is awesome. I do enjoy your other works but beebo is a standard.