my connection is cool
I dont get it
my connection is cool
I dont get it
An acurate depiction of the Ford Administration
Before this animation I thought you were just a silly bastard. But with this cartoon, sir, you have proved me wrong. This was the most accurate documentary about the Ford administartion I have ever seen. A serious animation such as ths is a welcomed change from the goofy slapstick humor that dominates this site. I think everyone should watch this movie. Those who don't learn history are doomed to repeat it.
What THE FUck are u doing?!
This sucked ass dude wye did u waist your time on this shit!?
So his Major Acheivments were Boxers Castro and Tug Boats? ok this wasn' that funny
GREAT! can i have that nazi guy? that was my fave bit, do more beebo! keep up the crap, i like the way you make the animation good my making it like you do, funny as fuck