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Reviews for "Gerald Ford's Life"

??? Wait, I think I get it.

You made this so Beebo 9 will automatically look good in comparison, didn't you? Trying to regain the momentum you lost when you "killed" your protagonists? Well, you didn't do bad enough to justify this piece of crap....

One giant eh

Anyway, I think you got him confused with Zachary Taylor.


yeah this was extremely crappy, I hated it to be honest with you. Crappy graphics and the plot was basicly: Gerald Ford eats stuff.

Thank you for saying my connenction fucking sucks too.

Dude..What the shit?!

If you made this instead of Beebo part 9..Then I'm unhappy. I was looking forward to beebo going on forever. is beebo over?


So his Major Acheivments were Boxers Castro and Tug Boats? ok this wasn' that funny