As 3, I miss my joke Language
I'm really starting to feel like when As3 was designed, they never though of ease of use for the user. Like the fact that there isn't or yet to be found replacement for keyisdown, which is pretty damn inconveniant. Seeing as there really aren't many proper guides to anything yet seeing as everything is being explored, it doesn't leave the door open for failures like me to learn the language.
You see as2 was about ease to the user, everything was simple well defined and you really could pick t up with a fair amount of certainty after just a few weeks of experimentation and reading. (Of course anything complicated wouid take much longer). And seeing as they could of made as a hard to learn effecient language, and didn't, my reasoning is that they wanted it t obe a pick up and learn code rather then something you need to struggle over.
I don't really have a direction i'm going with this except that kinda the ideals of AS as a pick up and learn language, kinda got tossed aside to be a more effecient and complicated language.
On a brighter note, the integration with photoshop is pretty ballin'