RE: Bold Tags of Eyebleedy
As if skim reading wasn't already easy enough with this thread. But still, this won't completely reduce this thread's spam counter- What're we going to do, stop people putting gibberish as bold titles?
RE: Starting Flash and all that jazz
Legendary Frog fanboy here.
Saw Newgrounds before it established it's Portal (back in the days where Pico's School was the most impressive Flash game on the net), and completely forgot about its existance until I got linked to LF's old site. Hung around on the forums there, and linked over to here. Re-grappled Flash after leaving it well alone for five years and not managing to great deal out of it, and got invited for a Halo collaberation.
Large soft spot in my heart for everyone with similar backgrounds and for anything that was on the Portal at that time.
RE: Tank Snowmen and the Current Header
At 12/5/06 11:41 AM, Luis wrote:
NO. I want filth.
Thought this season was about good will to all men and the spirit of spending loadsa cash on each other? You're less likely to spend loads of cash and feel good about people if we had a decapitated santa on the front page and on the collections page...
Besides. There's only so many Christmas War cliches that we can use, and South Park's pretty much got the mental monopoly on Jesus vs Santa.
The colour balance is also pretty nifty. Because the standard NG colour scheme goes from a yellow to an orange, the blue to purple colour scheme of the new header complements it. Still, would have been better if it was Pico instead of Santa giving out the presents. Then we could all write about just how NG's mascot got a hold of the sleigh in the first place.
Had to refresh a few times. Anyone know how to turn down the cache length on images and media in Firefox?
RE: Secret Santa
Sorry I missed it. Oh well, I'll probably send Lu a card or something anyway.
RE: Mod Sticks in Short Supply?
I'm not noticing any problems in this department it must be said. I'm still not fully behind the "lock the thread with the slightly vague title" procedure though. Makes skimming the topics on this forum every other day a bit depressing. Think there are currently four or so threads all locked by jmtb in a row on the next page all for being vaguetitled.
Other than that, we seem to be doing good for the modships. Not too much spam, not too much dehumanisation, not too much pirate talk... All good.