I haven't read hardly any of the conversation,
so please forgive me if something similar to this
has already been said.
At 6/2/09 08:17 PM, MichaelHurst wrote:
Thats not just right, keep your religion to yourself.
I'm a semi-religious person, but I have to agree.
Almost every day, people stand at the same block in
a downtown area of my town with billboards proposing
a better alternative (Jesus) to their shitty beliefs.
Signs that say stuff like "JESUS SAVED YOUR SOUL",
Or my personal favorite, just "JESUS".
Yes, it's what I believe, but I hate people that make
Christianity look like a cult or something. You can't deny that
It drives people away from us at a higher rate
than it attracts people. Because face it, nobody - including me -
wants to be involved in any kind of freaky cult. And
standing at a crowded intersection with only
a poster to promote a savior the person
hardly even knows about is pretty dang close.
It's people like that who make me wonder why
I'm apart of a religion crowded with people who
don't really think through how to attract people
to go to their church. I think there is a reason
they're up there, but it certainly isn't to (directly)
drag them to Christianity.
On a side note,
I just had to pop in and contribute.
I'll be back in a couple days, MH.
Lmao. ;] <3