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Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-03-09 14:30:21

I suggest a top 50 list for whistlers. It would encourage people with deity whistles to keep flagging, resulting in the deletion of more bad flashes.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-03-09 16:17:37

Apologies for any repetition. These are just things I'm hoping are already ready to be rolled out come April 20th, or whenever the new website will be rolled out.

- let us gain experience points from voting for audio releases.

I'll leave the details up to you. But the way I envisage this working is that our votes for audio entries are tallied along with flash entries. So after 5 votes for ANYTHING, folk would be able to deposit 10 points.

Just now, stuff in the audio portal doesn't get enough votes. This may help with that, giving folk a 'reason' to listen to and vote to the audio releases.

- give votes different weights for audio releases

This may be a problem if implemented in the current AP. (low # votes meaning any user has an overly high power over the vote at the best of times).

Maybe you could discount the % increase by blam points in the audio portal, maybe half the maximum voting power for the top user (to reflect the fewer number of votes audio entries get)? It could work...

- when we vote on audio entries, tell us that we only get one vote, ever

It's a good system to hinder mass-voting, but at the moment, some folk may not realise the gravity their vote has. Maybe an intermediate screen, just noting that we only get one vote would help establish this fact and also help remind folk to consider that score carefully.

Took me a wee while to realise the 'one vote' system under the current design.

- in our account menu, let us view 'audio portal review (137) ..... with responses (23)'

Basically, I see no reason to not have easy access to these things via that screen, just like flash portal review stuff.

- allow audio auhors to mark whether a tune loops or not

Just to make it easier to search for loops - so then we could have a little checkbox which said something like 'show loops', another saying 'show non-loops' and when searching, we'd be shown only those we asked for. Great for authors looking for short game loops or whatever!

- forum search within a single forum

I think you weren't having advanced searches for a while because of the load on the servers. Well, what about if we were allowed to search for just within one single forum? Could be useful for folk looking for specific info or threads. Seems like it'd need less computing...

- in the flash portal, show most helpful reviews first

It makes sense - rather than just showing the most recent review (which could be a load of tosh), show the review wih the highest % of 'yes' votes.

Also, you should have the line: 'was this review helpful? yes/no/abusive' just under the review and above the 'read all reviews' link. This would encourage more folk to click one of those buttons. I know I'd be more likely to vote if it were one click and one page-load easier to do so.

Then, you'd have enough votes to make the system of showing most helpful reviews first, itself, helpful.

- show aggregate of all review scores

I just think that if we're deciding on whether to play a game or not, or maybe just interested to know the general opinion of it, it'd be helpful to have the aggregate of the various scores for graphics, style, sound, violence, interactivity and humour shown.

This is less desired than the other requests. More just an 'it'd be nice'. But then most of the site is just an 'it's nice'. It is after all mainly just entertainment...

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-03-10 02:32:14

I think it'd be useful to have a little button on a post that, if you click on it, flags that post and alerts mods to look at it, much like the "Abusive" button on the Flash reviews.

I hate School, the end

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-03-12 03:16:20

Where the dicussion came from

This is a refrence to new people comming to NG and seeing deliberate low quality flash from various groups.

I agree, it is better for NG's reputation to be an 'open' place for everyone, but there has to be some set standard to what can be seen. I am in no way saying we should restrict access to the portal... But the first thing people see is the FRONT PAGE (that's good of course) And odds are the second thing is the portal. Maybe Admin should swap the layout so the to 50 Submissions are on the left and the latest 50 submissions are on the right?

People are incredibly ignorant and don't read what they are clicking...

Crazy idea I know. But it is better that NG makes the best of the oppertunites that are possible.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-03-20 15:00:50

Hey newgrounds members.
I was watching the gamespot show with Tom fulp & Dan paladin on it & I was just wondering why dont Newgrounds have talk show like gamespot, like they could have special flash newgrounds celebritys such as TN & Super Flash Bros, that would be pretty awesome too watch.
so what do you think?

These Are Not The Droids You Are Looking For.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-03-22 22:53:15

I'm not sure if this has been posted before but what about adding sort of a rep system. You know put in a rep amount next to everybodys name and when someone helps someone else out they can vote to add some rep to them. Or if they are spamming or flaming they can get rid of their rep. You would have to put a limit of like one or two reps changed per person per day but I think that a reputation system could go really far on a board like this if it is taken seriously.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-03-22 23:56:49

At 3/22/07 10:53 PM, head2toewinner wrote: I'm not sure if this has been posted before but what about adding sort of a rep system. You know put in a rep amount next to everybodys name and when someone helps someone else out they can vote to add some rep to them. Or if they are spamming or flaming they can get rid of their rep. You would have to put a limit of like one or two reps changed per person per day but I think that a reputation system could go really far on a board like this if it is taken seriously.

It's been sugested before. This would be abused by the groups on the site and some people would spam even more to try to get the lowest possible rep.. Or something along those lines.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-03-23 15:57:11

Ok. I just saw the post in my topic. So I came here. So we suggest rules right? Just rules? Or both rules and things that they can make here?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-03-23 16:11:54

At 3/23/07 03:57 PM, Twilight-Knight wrote: Ok. I just saw the post in my topic. So I came here. So we suggest rules right? Just rules? Or both rules and things that they can make here?

Any ideas you have to improve Newgrounds.

Make sure you read the first post on the first page of this thread before posting.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-03-23 16:16:59

At 3/23/07 04:11 PM, AfroUnderscoreStud wrote:
Any ideas you have to improve Newgrounds.

Ok then. I have an idea that just came up from reading a hellhole of a thread in the Politics section.

Idea 1: No slandering of God's (or any gods for that matter) name. No ill talk should be spoken of anyone's God or gods.

Idea 2: No posting that you hope someone will die and meaning it. I mean really making it look like you mean it. Like there was a thread in the General section where a kid was saying that his best friend had died and all of the other dumbass users were saying things like "Too bad he didn't take you first" and all that shit.

What do you think?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-03-23 16:57:41

Idea for new rule:

People who actually know the workings of NG should become mods.


Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-03-23 19:51:57

At 3/23/07 04:57 PM, dave-mac-dave wrote: Idea for new rule:

People who actually know the workings of NG should become mods.


You're spamming aren't you? May I ask why?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-03-24 17:01:57

Boost up the annoying 50k limit.

Every time I try to post a screenshot to a video in the "Post all videos here." topic, that annoying 50k limit error pops up.

hyrhyryrhyhrjgfjgfjkhkgykgulhjlhulh yululululuyluhylhulhjulhjlhjlhjlhul u

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-03-25 01:14:59

Ok I have an idea.

You know the section where you can flag stolen/malicious/unsuitable movies. How about instead of the red whistle next to it, it has a picture of the whistle each user possesses? For example a picture of a Deity whistle would appear for me.

Tell me what you think if you get time to post of course, I know your busy.

Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-03-27 04:57:49

I think there should be a space in our profile to enter our race, aswell the the option to block the posts of certain races (such as blacks).


Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-03-29 12:03:21

At 3/27/07 04:57 AM, Darkside7000 wrote: I think there should be a space in our profile to enter our race, aswell the the option to block the posts of certain races (such as blacks).


Although that would be a good way to expose racists, I doubt that that is a good idea. There would be such outrage. A whole lot of people would probably leave.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-03-30 07:23:58

At 3/30/07 07:08 AM, Volit0 wrote: cool when will this be done ?

When will what be done?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-03-30 11:45:51

Might have been said already:

The thing that most keeps me away from the newgrounds forums is the lack of any kind of filtering system.
If I want to find collab topics or animation topics I have to go trawl through pages and pages or worthless noob topics, most of which are totally irrelevant in reguards to what I'm looking for.
There should be a list of tags that the user must choose from when they start a thread, with filter options on each forums main page to only show certain types of posts.
(such as: actionscript, help topic, collab, whatever)

This way if I want to find a collab topic I could simply check the 'collabs' filter box and voila, I don't have to trawl through the irrelevant junk, effectively creating sub-forums for each main forum without the need to actually construct sub-forms.

Combine this with a thread voting system and an arrange by date/score/views button and you get an effective method for filtering out crap whilst losing nothing from the current system.
Being able to blam topics would increase the value of these forums a hundredfold and reduce the currently required constant moderation.

This would also spawn many other options, such as certain important topic tags requiring a greenlight from a mod before they are posted (such as contests or collabs) or even a simple batting average for the threads you have made that limits how many topics you can start per day and how many posts you can make per 30 mins.

My point is, more high profile users will be attracted to the forums if they can avoid the constant irrelevant or useless topics and actually find the good stuff amoungst the crap.

- Chrispington

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-04-03 17:40:56

Where the hell is everybody? I thought you were supposed to tell us whether or not our ideas were good or not?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-04-03 18:58:48

At 3/23/07 04:16 PM, Twilight-Knight wrote:
At 3/23/07 04:11 PM, AfroUnderscoreStud wrote:
Any ideas you have to improve Newgrounds.
Ok then. I have an idea that just came up from reading a hellhole of a thread in the Politics section.

Idea 1: No slandering of God's (or any gods for that matter) name. No ill talk should be spoken of anyone's God or gods.

Idea 2: No posting that you hope someone will die and meaning it. I mean really making it look like you mean it. Like there was a thread in the General section where a kid was saying that his best friend had died and all of the other dumbass users were saying things like "Too bad he didn't take you first" and all that shit.

What do you think?

I think it sucks. Your god(s) suck(s) too. I will rape him/her/them. What is the point of having a politics &c. forum if you can't talk shit about gods? People are allowed to have their own opinions and especially if you bring up the subject on NEWGROUNDS, you should know what's coming at you. This goes for the second point. The kid should have seen it coming. It's not a big problem for people in this day and age making fun of the dead. The taboo is now nonexistant. If it bugs you, then don't go on the forum.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-04-03 19:51:16

At 4/3/07 05:40 PM, Twilight-Knight wrote: Where the hell is everybody? I thought you were supposed to tell us whether or not our ideas were good or not?

No. This thread is just for people to suggest ideas, which an admin then reads (usually James).

A thread was created for the discussion of ideas, but it hasn't been used for a long time.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-04-04 22:39:30

Delete one's own audio submissions from the Audio Portal.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-04-05 10:14:58

At 4/3/07 06:58 PM, bifgis wrote:
I think it sucks. Your god(s) suck(s) too. I will rape him/her/them. What is the point of having a politics &c. forum if you can't talk shit about gods? People are allowed to have their own opinions and especially if you bring up the subject on NEWGROUNDS, you should know what's coming at you. This goes for the second point. The kid should have seen it coming. It's not a big problem for people in this day and age making fun of the dead. The taboo is now nonexistant. If it bugs you, then don't go on the forum.

This thread seems to attract a few assholes. Or at least one. Freakin' idiot doesn't know how to hold his tongue.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-04-05 13:53:51

More ways to get up XP, ZekeySpaceyLizard Should be mod of art section :D

Current Projects: (animation will start after Christmas when I get a Bamboo Fun)

ToddToons EP1 Technologically Assisted

Living the Life EP1 (written by Luke Goodwin)

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-04-08 19:15:23

As I said before, allow users to delete their own audio content.
Also disallow users from simply clicking "0" on all of an artist's work simply because he/she is a jackass; there are plenty in this thread and many more in the Trance genre :)
Possible workarounds?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-04-11 17:57:33

Mods should be given the ability to move topics if they're not in the right section instead of simply locking them and redirecting the topic starter to the right forum.

Top medal point users (updated Sundays) | Wi/Ht member #43

Steam ID

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-04-11 19:15:35

At 3/30/07 11:45 AM, Chrispington wrote: This way if I want to find a collab topic I could simply check the 'collabs' filter box and voila, I don't have to trawl through the irrelevant junk, effectively creating sub-forums for each main forum without the need to actually construct sub-forms.

Better yet, add a separate collab forum. It would get way more attention than the clubs forum, and it would save time looking through countless non-collab topics.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-04-14 12:24:32

Be able to use the search bar without having one word over three letters. Some thread don't have any words over three.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-04-14 14:10:04

Yeah, you guys REALLY need to work on the Audio Portal. ALOT.

We should be able to flag abusive Audio reviews/ the responses that go with them.

Actually have a button that works when you blow your whislte on stolen shit.

It's been said countless times, but I'm saying it again. These things need to be done.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-04-14 14:12:09

At 4/14/07 02:10 PM, kylexthexpostman wrote: Yeah, you guys REALLY need to work on the Audio Portal. ALOT.

We should be able to flag abusive Audio reviews/ the responses that go with them.

Oh, and you should be able to get whistle points, too. Sorry, I forgot to add that in.