At 4/14/07 02:10 PM, kylexthexpostman wrote: Yeah, you guys REALLY need to work on the Audio Portal. ALOT.
We should be able to flag abusive Audio reviews/ the responses that go with them.
Actually have a button that works when you blow your whislte on stolen shit.
It's been said countless times, but I'm saying it again. These things need to be done.
This is being dealt with.
Delete the audio portal.
At 4/14/07 02:21 PM, Darkside7000 wrote: Delete the audio portal.
I agree, this is a very good idea.
I'm sure this is something that has come up lots and lots of times but...
Audio Delete/Edit button- Only because if you hate your own song or did something wrong like upload the wrong song then we could delete it. Or something else that you did wrong. Misspell a word and change that.
I'm not sure if this has been suggested, but I think it's really important, and I'm REALLY hoping it's already been implemented in the redesign.
It would be great if there was a dedicated page for viewing content instead of the popup window. For instance, when you click Play game or watch movie on the details page, you get directed to a clean page with the content, where the link can be taken directly from the address bar and linked to.
I suggest this because I know now I'm working on a site where I am linking to content, and I'd much rather be linking directly to a page where the content is displayed rather than the details page with no content. I think this would make people more willing to link to content on Newgrounds. I know it would mean one less ad shown because the content details page would be circumvented, but I would think that can be compensated through multiple ads on that actually page displaying the content.
Again, I would not be surprised if this has already been implemented into the redesign, because it seems just about every media-driven site now is losing the content popups and in with the content page.
I previously made my own thread for this without knowing that there was a thread specifically designed for discussing Newgrounds improvements. For that, I apologize. Anyway, on to my proposal.
So our current voting system is on a 0-5 scale. That's fine, but I personally would like to have a 0-10 voting system. More than once have I found myself stuck between choosing one of two adjacent numbers. By upgrading from 6 to 11 possible vote values, it would allow for more accurate voting, plus it would match up with the reviews' 0-10 scale more nicely.
Things Pico should say for each value:
0: Blam this piece of crap!
1: This stinks worse than crap.
2: That was some major suckage.
3: This bored me to tears.
4: Nothing new or interesting.
5: It's alright. I've seen better.
6: Not bad. In fact, I like it!
7: Pretty good stuff! Show me more!
8: This flash is crunk, fo' shizzle!
9: This is teh awesomeness! Woot!
10: OMG!!! All my 10 are belong to this!!!
Pico's expressions for each value:
0: Current expression for 0, but with raised fist.
1: Similar to the expression for 0, but without baring teeth, and fist lower.
2: Eyebrows low, mouth agape, holding forehead.
3: Hand supporting face by cheek, expression sullen.
4: Fist supporting chin, expressionless.
5: Hands behind head, expression showing slight interest.
6: Slight smile.
7: Bigger smile (no teeth) than in 6, thumbs up.
8: Bigger smile (with teeth) than in 7, two thumbs up.
9: Open-mouth smile, pumping fist into the air.
10: Bigger open-mouth smile, both hands in the air.
Also, I like the idea of an anime-style Pico.
The guy above me is nuts XD
At 4/14/07 04:05 PM, Para-Noid wrote: I'm sure this is something that has come up lots and lots of times but...
Audio Delete/Edit button- Only because if you hate your own song or did something wrong like upload the wrong song then we could delete it. Or something else that you did wrong. Misspell a word and change that.
That was suggested before you on the same page
At 4/14/07 10:35 PM, videogamer0810 wrote: I previously made my own thread for this without knowing that there was a thread specifically designed for discussing Newgrounds improvements. For that, I apologize. Anyway, on to my proposal.
So our current voting system is on a 0-5 scale. That's fine, but I personally would like to have a 0-10 voting system. More than once have I found myself stuck between choosing one of two adjacent numbers. By upgrading from 6 to 11 possible vote values, it would allow for more accurate voting, plus it would match up with the reviews' 0-10 scale more nicely.
this would be so hard to implement. the score of every flash on Ng would have to change. And also, i like having the score out of five. also, what about b/p, what would you be able to vote to blam something, still 0 or 1 or move it up to 0-4 or something similar.
At 4/15/07 06:42 AM, Solidone wrote: this would be so hard to implement. the score of every flash on Ng would have to change. And also, i like having the score out of five. also, what about b/p, what would you be able to vote to blam something, still 0 or 1 or move it up to 0-4 or something similar.
Just double the scores every flash has, and double the score required for it to pass. It isn't that hard.
At 4/15/07 07:17 AM, SBB wrote:At 4/15/07 06:42 AM, Solidone wrote: this would be so hard to implement. the score of every flash on Ng would have to change. And also, i like having the score out of five. also, what about b/p, what would you be able to vote to blam something, still 0 or 1 or move it up to 0-4 or something similar.Just double the scores every flash has, and double the score required for it to pass. It isn't that hard.
But the way VP works would probably have to be changed as well to accomodate the newer voting options. Im just happy with 0-5, it works just fine for me.
At 4/15/07 08:31 AM, Solidone wrote: But the way VP works would probably have to be changed as well to accomodate the newer voting options. Im just happy with 0-5, it works just fine for me.
voting power has nothing to do with ratings.
At 4/15/07 08:57 AM, SBB wrote:At 4/15/07 08:31 AM, Solidone wrote: But the way VP works would probably have to be changed as well to accomodate the newer voting options. Im just happy with 0-5, it works just fine for power has nothing to do with ratings.
It determines how much your vote effects the score. correct? I would have thought that if the score limit was changed form 5 to 10, the way your Vp works would have to be changed in some way.
At 4/15/07 09:01 AM, Solidone wrote: It determines how much your vote effects the score. correct? I would have thought that if the score limit was changed form 5 to 10, the way your Vp works would have to be changed in some way.
No, not exactly. Your voting power is simply used as a multiplier to boost the value of your vote.
Anyway, if you don't like the idea of changing to 0-10, then how about instead voting on a scale of 0-5 with half points? In other words, you could vote 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5.
Really, it's the exact same thing as what I suggested before, but now you won't have to change the scores of all previously submitted flash to adapt to the new system. And it allows for the same versatility.
At 4/15/07 09:01 AM, Solidone wrote:At 4/15/07 08:57 AM, SBB wrote:It determines how much your vote effects the score. correct? I would have thought that if the score limit was changed form 5 to 10, the way your Vp works would have to be changed in some way.At 4/15/07 08:31 AM, Solidone wrote: But the way VP works would probably have to be changed as well to accomodate the newer voting options. Im just happy with 0-5, it works just fine for power has nothing to do with ratings.
No, voting power is how many votes (votes by an unregistered user) your vote is worth. It doesn't have anything with what you vote.
Okay, next idea.
I'm sure all of you have, at one point or another, made a post on the BBS containing a typographical error or other faux pas. Wouldn't you like the opportunity to correct it discreetly?
That's why I believe that two additional buttons should be made available for controlling your own posts. The first button is "Replace your Post", which would give you a blank field to type a new post in. The next button is "Revise your Post", which would give you a field with the text from your original post to revise. After pressing submit in either mode, the text in the field would be used to create a post which would entirely replace the original. In other words, your original post is deleted, and the revised post takes its place in the exact position the original was located.
A third option should also be available, the ability to "Delete your Post". If you are embarassed by your post and want to just erase it to avoid ridicule, you may do so. Your post count will be reduced by 1, however (obviously).
One other thing. If this system is to be put in place, it would be best if all replies to posts included quotes. However, people constantly take advantage of the quote-taking system as is. To avoid butchering and misrepresentation of people's posts, here's what should be done:
Upon clicking "Reply to Post" (no other reply button should exist, by the way), a page different from the usual text field for writing/revising posts should be used. There should be two parts to this page. The top contains the post in its entirety. The replier must highlight only what he wants to respond to. If nothing is highlighted, the post replied to is still referenced. Below the reproduction of the post being replied to is a text field to write your response. Clicking submit will then post a post in the following format:
"Highlights of <username>'s post at <time of post>:"
(Insert highlighted content here.)
"Response to <username>'s post:"
(Insert response.)
Also, there should be code to detect if nothing is highlighted from the post being responded to. If nothing is highlighted, the post should instead be in this format:
"Response to <username>'s post at <time of post>:"
(Insert response.)
Although this would be a lot of work, I think it would be more than worth it to have it implemented. It would be beneficial all around to posters.
At 4/15/07 10:11 AM, videogamer0810 wrote: long story which is basically edit post button.
Its been discussed before. It would be open to too much abuse. and what you suggested is just an edit post button isnt it?
He's still nuts. A delete button can be useful, and cause abuse, though not in the same grade as an edit button. The only button we really could need is a preview button, to check if you have all html, : quoted text etc right
At 4/15/07 10:23 AM, SBB wrote: He's still nuts.
They thought Da Vinci was nuts (in terms of his inventions), but just look at how he advanced society centuries later.
At 4/15/07 11:16 AM, videogamer0810 wrote: They thought Da Vinci was nuts (in terms of his inventions), but just look at how he advanced society centuries later.
I'd go hunt down and quote one of liljim's THERE WILL BE NO FUCKING EDIT BUTTON posts, but I'm too lazy. Just believe me when I say it's never going to happen.
Every time i go to the flash portal page i cannot help but to play that pointless little game of popping the flash documents with the mouse. sometimes, i know its totally lame, i'll sit there for like a minute or more just trying to get all the little flashes. that boom boom sound when you get one is like crack to me lol
SO, because of this, i think it should be made that you have a counting total posted on your public page of how many you have ever gotten... i'm sure i'd be in the thousands if not tens of thousands. then there should be rankings of who has gotten the most and different levels for how many you have gotten... that would be so cool. feel free to tell me how lame i am, i already kno lol
At 4/15/07 11:16 AM, videogamer0810 wrote:At 4/15/07 10:23 AM, SBB wrote: He's still nuts.They thought Da Vinci was nuts (in terms of his inventions), but just look at how he advanced society centuries later.
yes but you're not da vinci
At 4/26/07 11:47 AM, CitricSquid wrote: I dunno if this has been posted, can't see it in the past 5 or so pages but...
Idea : It should be mandatory that when you're banned the mod who banned you's name is displayed, i have had many bans over time, and 1 or 2 i've believed were unfair or not deserved,
I totally agree with this idea. I've only been banned once and i had a good idea of who it was so i was able to PM the mod about it and discuss, but i realise this is sometimes not the case. I doubt the mods would agree to it though, they would get an abusive PM from every person they banned.
I would think this idea has already been done.
When you go to Account options/View profile/BBS posts. And this shows you your posts. And I for one check my old posts before I do anything and if there are any posts that I think will have a reply to it I will check it out. And someone has, and you want to reply when you find that you have been banned for 1, 3, 5, etc and you're pissed off that you have a good reply and can't reply to it.
So how about getting an automatic PM that you have been banned so you can go to the portal, reply to PM's and do almost everything except post on the BBS.
And can we save in the account options the ban texts so we can see how many bans we have had and what we got banned for.
I would like to think that when you are banned, you should have a right to appeal for this. Instead of PMing mods and go through that slow moving process I suggest an Appeal board. In this board banned people are allowed to post appeals and/or questions on their ban. This board then can be read by mods and if they agree that you made a fair case you can be unbanned.
The reason I think this will benefit the community is because people who are banned have no real power to figure out why and try to explain their own reasoning for such a post. With this addition they can clarify things and get a better understanding of their situation. Communication is a big problem in the world and it is only expected a mod to interpret a post wrongly.
If you would like to discuss something do not hesitate to contact me
Users should be able to track their own posts, and follow their favorite ones.
Does anyone check this anymore? I propose an admin check this because I have seen some good ones that go un noticed
If you would like to discuss something do not hesitate to contact me
At 5/7/07 03:58 PM, Lockout wrote: Does anyone check this anymore? I propose an admin check this because I have seen some good ones that go un noticed
I believe liljim checks it periodically and reads every post. Just because a suggestion doesn't get responded to doesn't mean it's ignored. Like, I'm sure if someone suggests an edit button they'll most likely find themselves perma-banned or deleted, har har.
Also with a site redesign coming, it's kinda hard to suggest things when they might already have been changed/fixed/upgraded, but simply aren't a part of this layout (and thus aren't implemented yet).
I forgot about the new layout coming. That is a good point I bet they have alot of imperfections covered in that. Thank you for your help man you have eased my worries
If you would like to discuss something do not hesitate to contact me
I wonder if these idea's will be put into use:
#1: Make the Audio Reviews look just as good as the Flash Reviews.
#2: Mods should have more stats, as in how many topics they lock and how many bans they gave to people. I would like to see that happen. XD
#3: Blams and Saves for teh Audio Portal. (That's probably been mentioned already.). :/