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Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-02-15 16:40:37

Why can't we PM ourselves? It would be useful, so I can use my (otherwise empty) PM inbox as a pastebin or something.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-02-18 17:34:21

At 2/15/07 07:53 AM, cementsocks wrote: I've been on the BBS for a good while now, and I have something to suggest.

Everyday, umpteen users sign up, and many of them make threads. Now, threads are the bread and butter of forums, and the 3 topic per day limit is swell and all, but I think there should be a time limit between started topics. For example, you can only make one of your three per 30 minutes. I'm sick of going on the forums and seeing 3 (usually pointless) topics by the same (noob idiot) loser all on the front at one time. Not only does it push more useless topics off the screen, but it drives me fucking mad.

Personally, I think one topic a day would be enough. With a forum as massive as Newgrounds, people should be worrying about the quality of just a single thread. If they have two great ideas in a single day, they only have to wait a 24 hours. They can use that time to manage and improve the thread they already have up.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-02-18 22:59:04

NG removes tools from the author's submission options after certain waypoints. For instance, after 400 votes, you can no longer remove a flash. After awhile, you no longer are able to update the flash icon. And so on.

My solution--do not remove any tools. Instead, just make it so that these changes must be verified by admins or special mods after the waypoints have been hit.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-02-18 23:09:04

It would be nice if your flash and music submissions in your profiles, were numbered like your favourites are.

That would make knowing how many submissions a user has SO much easier.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-02-19 03:34:56

i think there should be a chatroom so people can talk to eachother without using the forums or pm

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-02-19 06:15:58

At 2/19/07 03:34 AM, king-ben wrote: i think there should be a chatroom so people can talk to eachother without using the forums or pm

Actually, there is one. We even have a Pal Talk room. You can find all the instructions you need on the page I linked you to.




BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-02-20 06:34:23

what if there was a way to see when someone quotes your words and posts it so you can respond/ read what they wrote in response to your statement/question.

get sent a message? and you can turn this option off.

cool idea?

or what?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-02-20 15:46:15

At 2/10/07 11:03 PM, Rosstafari wrote:.

2. An "Ignore this thread" button.

and maybe an option to ignore it for 24 hours or a months or 2 weeks or somthing......even i am tired of seeing photoshop bedn on the front page, and all the good owl pictures have been done. it's imposable to do any better than what is there.....but i sitll wanna see people try.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-02-20 15:52:42

At 2/10/07 06:12 AM, Darkside7000 wrote:
Like the idea of voting on the same page.

i think this would make people more likly to accually view what they are voting, especially with high conection speed i tend to just click play this movie, and as soon as the voting thing pops up vote and close the window.....and when people IM me and tell me to vote fiffen on their submissions, i dont watch i just vote 5.....i might watch if it's on the same page.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-02-24 22:49:19

I just had to refresh the browser again to check if there was a reply,

the thing is though, if I was'n getting a reply within the 5 minutes or so, I'd probably be doing something else, then in the meantime if I had a reply that was asking me a question for my post matter, then they are not gonna get a reply either , well they will when I return to the post and refresh the browser or try and find my post between all of the others.
I think if NG had a system where you have an option to choose whether you want to be notified of replies for the posts or not, that would make life a little easier for everyone, so If there are enough people having the same problem as I do now, then lets all suggest to NG for this to be available.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-02-25 10:32:07

Bump for jack324's idea...it could be an option in your account if you'd like to recieve notifications on any thread you post on...you can also choose to unsubscribe from a certain thread

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-02-25 18:35:32

I feel that a minimum word count for reviews needs to be introduced.

There are simply too many reviews from idiots that simply say "That was great!" and NOTHING ELSE, it's annoying and completely unhelpful.

A minimum of at least 30 words should be put in so that the users are required to actually put a little thought into what they're saying.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-02-25 19:32:55

I feel that when an Underdog or Review Crew pick is deleted, another flash should take it's place. Maybe, once those awards are decided, there are two backup underdogs or review picks, in case the first one is stolen.

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic /777777

http://metaldart.webs.com/ My freewebs website. Check it out dog.

My old NG profile ID: 1321019

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-02-25 23:08:48

At 2/25/07 07:32 PM, MetalDart wrote: I feel that when an Underdog or Review Crew pick is deleted, another flash should take it's place. Maybe, once those awards are decided, there are two backup underdogs or review picks, in case the first one is stolen.

The reason a submission doesn't replace it, is because it would be too difficult to manually figure out the reviews from submissions, unlike scores where you can easily pick out the best or worst submission.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-02-27 12:54:42

It must have been said somewhere else, but I was too lazy to search over these 50-something pages.
The turd of the week award should be removed.
I mean, there are people that are doing very bad flash on purpose, just to get this award. That shouldn't be something you should be proud of.
I don't ask about increasing the limit for which a flash is saved, just to avoid giving an award, even if it is a "turd" award, to somebody that didn't try to make something good.
And maybe it would avoid these thousands of submissions of crews like KK that just massively vote 5 on their flash to get them past the mark, and then massively vote 0 to give it the award...
Or all those guys doing no effort in their flash, and just ask to get the turd of the week...

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-02-27 13:34:35

At 2/27/07 12:54 PM, Pieriku wrote:

We know

Been mentioned before, several several times. Actually not a bad idea really.

NG Review Moderator // Pm me for Review Abuse

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-03-02 13:34:19

I know this idea will get cast away by liljim, and his hate for any forums that aren't coded by Ross (i think he made the BBS). But i think the NG forums are getting really dated. I know NG will never have forums or a user base like SA, but using vBulletin really does allow for a better forum experience. For instance, 1 picture per post, that HAS to be below the body of text is just silly.

Im not necisarily asking you to make the switch, just suggesting that the forums code get some attension during the site update.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-03-02 14:10:58

At 3/2/07 01:34 PM, Tommy wrote: hate for any forums that aren't coded by Ross

What gave you the impression I hate other forums?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-03-02 19:56:52

At 3/2/07 02:10 PM, liljim wrote: What gave you the impression I hate other forums?

I remeber you once posting saying how you didn't like other forum software packages. This was a long time ago I could be wrong.

Will there be any real changes to the forums in the re-design, besides the sigs? That you can tell us about?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-03-02 20:01:26

Add an advanced search.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-03-03 18:17:23

I would like to discuss this username locking. Now I complained and was quickly shunned (as so I should be.) So instead of letting me turn red I will like to know if I am not the only person who thinks this is a bad idea. I would also like to discuss other alternatives that would benefit both sides of the fence instead of throwing it away.

Here is my suggestion.

Why not give people the option to lock their own username. Now obviously there is going to be plenty of warning and 'are you sure'

I do not believe that the rest of us have to get shot just because a few people play with guns.

Metaphorical speaking.

The best option would create an alt and choose a name I would feel comfortable with but I’ve just passed the 1000 point mark, its unwise and I simply find it to be a stupid idea.

Or in the more greedy sense just give me the option to change my username but I know that is ridiculously selfish and stupid. And this idea kind of hinders around the first idea.

I mean I know it must be frustrating to keep getting PM's about stolen usernames but if that is the case I would happily accept all the username complaint PM's just to get this privilege back. I like changing my username. Sometimes I change it so often I cant remember it and have to look at one of my posts on the BBS.

Now I know this is a complaint and that type of thing is not welcome here but hear me out before releasing the guillotine.

Another question is, is this more or less worth arguing over or am I wasting my time over something that is dead and buried?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-03-03 18:57:53

I just discovered that it was impossible to flag an abusive reply by the author of a flash to one of his reviews. There are so many replies that just say "fuck you" or something like that just because someone made a constructive review but gave a low rate to their movie...

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-03-04 07:43:48

At 2/2/07 09:33 AM, Benovere wrote: 3. How about a spam forum in which banned people can spam without making crappy threads in the General forums, lasting only two pages before being erased.

No, nononono. Why would anyone what to see a spam topic. Maybe a sandbox, so new users can try out the BBS and get aquanted the the controls, but not a spam forum.

That would be a waste of SQL space.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-03-04 10:05:35

At 3/2/07 07:56 PM, Tommy wrote: I remeber you once posting saying how you didn't like other forum software packages. This was a long time ago I could be wrong.

I don't think I've ever written that... What I might have said is that other forum packages are not suitable for Newgrounds... and they're not. Not only would we have to change all of the sql tables and queries to match the username/password/other naming conventions. Not only that, the forums that have been written for the site are highly optimised for the site.

As for allowing more images - other forum packages tend to hotlink images, rather than upload them to the site's directory so that they're there for as long as the site owner can keep up with the bandwidth charges and provide enough storage to keep the images.

There are a number of downsides with respect to hotlinking, that's why it's in the list of rejected ideas. Not to flog a dead horse, but I'll go through some of the immediate downsides now:

1. The remote site's host goes down.. broken images.
2. The remote site runs out of bandwidth.. broken images.
3. The remote site originally allows hotlinking of images (or rather doesn't allow, but doesn't know how to prevent users from hotlinking). They suddenly find out how to prevent that stuff and you end up with a "This images is hosted on ... " image, which is no good to anyone but the site hosting the image... given that they're just getting a free ad at this stage.
4. The remote site swaps out the image for a script that outputs an image, but also collects a great deal of private data on you, such as your IP address.


Will there be any real changes to the forums in the re-design, besides the sigs? That you can tell us about?

There will be some changes, most of which cosmetic and some functional changes... Nothing much that I can tell you about, though. Other than this, which I mentioned some time ago now.

At 3/3/07 06:17 PM, I-have-2-arms wrote: Another question is, is this more or less worth arguing over or am I wasting my time over something that is dead and buried?

The latter.

At 3/4/07 04:45 AM, MortalWound wrote: This has probably been posted several times but I'm not going through 51 pages just to see if has been.

They have. And this is why, at the very least, you should have read the first post to the thread, which outline a list of do's and don'ts... If you'd have done that, you'd have realised that the following two "ideas" are in the rejected list.

Several ideas:
Edit button for posts
poll option (yes i know this is on the front page i just like polls.)

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-03-04 10:44:32

At 3/3/07 06:57 PM, Pieriku wrote: I just discovered that it was impossible to flag an abusive reply by the author of a flash to one of his reviews. There are so many replies that just say "fuck you" or something like that just because someone made a constructive review but gave a low rate to their movie...

Well, I just had a look on the front page and discovered that it will be done in the new version. Good thing :-)

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-03-05 09:14:36

Newground's podcast..I could do it it if i got permission...

Sig by BlueHippo - AMA

Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod

"Your friends love you anyway" - Check out Guinea Something Good!

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-03-05 11:09:47

You should really consider writing the Alpha and Devspot FAQ's...

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-03-05 18:13:49

Because of the username lockdown, I propose to have a feature of being able to link to user profiles (user pages?) Wikipedia style on the forums for the redesign.

For example, one could write [[absent]] (or use whatever markup) and have it link to my userpage, becoming absent. I don't know if something like this is possible to implement, or how hard it would be, but it would certainly be a nice feature to have.

It would make linking to accounts much easier and quicker, and allow users who are making stat lists to really get the most characters out of their posts.

Also, for the current profile links, I'm hoping that they're going to be/are already linked with our usernames, because it would really suck that when the userpages come out, all the old profile links go dead.


Second idea, which would be to add those helpful little browsing arrows to pages when using the search bar. It would eliminate a click when going from page to page. Picture of such:

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-03-05 18:52:22

At 3/5/07 06:13 PM, absent wrote: For example, one could write [[absent]] (or use whatever markup) and have it link to my userpage, becoming absent. I don't know if something like this is possible to implement, or how hard it would be, but it would certainly be a nice feature to have.

It'd be a piece of cake, though I prefer to accept proper markup and convert it to proper markup, than adding fudges that making programmatical issues (and user input) less problematic (which is why many sites do that, btw).

It would make linking to accounts much easier and quicker, and allow users who are making stat lists to really get the most characters out of their posts.

The characters are calculated after the conversions have already taken place - so [[absent]] would become http://absent.newgrounds.com/ and be counted as such on the character check (at least, as the text is checked prior to it being inserted into the database).

Also, for the current profile links, I'm hoping that they're going to be/are already linked with our usernames, because it would really suck that when the userpages come out, all the old profile links go dead.

Where are you talking about, with respect to placement of the old links?


Second idea, which would be to add those helpful little browsing arrows to pages when using the search bar. It would eliminate a click when going from page to page. Picture of such:

The design team already covered that. :)

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-03-06 16:03:19

I read the first page and the last page of this thread, but I didn't read all 50 in between, so forgive me if this or something similiar has already been suggested.

Everyday it would have some interesting statistic posted somewhere on the front page that would help give recognition to a different flash author each day. Example: First submission to NG gained front page, user123. Then you could click on their name and view what their movies.
The point would be to give recognition to those who may not have it already, I wouldn't want to see like "Has held top 1 movie of all time for 16 weeks in a row, flashgod123"
I'm sure a site this big has plenty of odd/interesting statistics kept so updating frequently wouldn't be a problem.