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Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

131,829 Views | 1,645 Replies
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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-10-17 06:23:07

Nomader, Afro_Stud, gumOnShoe, -Superman-, Matomic, _Guardian_

I've just deleted one or more posts by each of you on this page because you were discussing ideas, rather than suggesting them. I know you like to bounce ideas back and forth, but this isn't the place for it. Please take a moment to read the first post of the topic again, and help save time for liljim.

Only post here if you have an unique idea for NG's improvement. In an attempt to keep the thread concise, discussion of ideas is no longer encouraged. Posted suggestions will occasionally be reviewed by liljim - whether or not an idea will be implemented is entirely up to him and the other admins.

I'm guessing that liljim is going to want to reincarnate this thread again before too long, since 20 pages is a bit too much to expect people to read before they suggest their idea, but in the meanwhile, please play by the thread's rules. Thanks.

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-10-17 23:12:14

At 10/17/05 06:23 AM, Denvish wrote: I've just deleted one or more posts by each of you on this page because you were discussing ideas, rather than suggesting them. I know you like to bounce ideas back and forth, but this isn't the place for it. Please take a moment to read the first post of the topic again, and help save time for liljim.

Is there a place we could bounce ideas back and forth without getting the thread deleted?

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-10-18 05:13:59

At 10/17/05 11:12 PM, -Superman- wrote: Is there a place we could bounce ideas back and forth without getting the thread deleted?

Evolution Discussion. We'll see how things go with that, if it gets out-of-hand then I guess the idea will have to be abandoned.

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-10-18 09:07:08

Since when has time become "Easten Daylight Time"?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-10-18 19:00:27

At 10/18/05 05:13 AM, Denvish wrote: Evolution Discussion. We'll see how things go with that, if it gets out-of-hand then I guess the idea will have to be abandoned.

Thanks for that :D

When you view the "Top Portal Submissions Of All Time" there should be the little icon used in the portal to decifer whether its a game or movie...

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-10-19 02:38:23

At 10/18/05 09:07 AM, arab_freak wrote: Since when has time become "Easten Daylight Time"?

Read this...

By the way, something that would be pretty cool was if moderators and administrators could press a button when they see someone abusing any rules, so a little signal as the one police cars have will sound.

As a little frightful warning for spammers. That would be cool but unnecessary though. =P

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-10-19 05:51:47

here's is a problem that is pretty important I would think...Let me fill you in on my perdicament.

I have two newgrounds accounts,
and I also have 2 email addresses.
1 account for each email address.
I wanted to change my email address on my first account to my second email address
(have the same email for each account.
Well, I realized that, but it allowed me to SWITCH it.

You have it so you can't create a new account with an email address already linked onto a NG account. But if you make a new NG account with an unused email address, and then change it to one that IS in use, it will attempt to send a confirmation email. BUT, because the email address is already on another account, the email will not send. Or at least in my case.

Now I can't log in because I have to validate the new email address, and I can't validate the new email address because it's already in use by my other account.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-10-19 08:21:52

At 10/19/05 05:51 AM, shpongled1 wrote: Now I can't log in because I have to validate the new email address, and I can't validate the new email address because it's already in use by my other account.

Try signing in on the account you can sign in on, then in your Grounds Gold menu click 'Personal Profile' then change the e-mail to your other e-mail that isn't registered as an NG account's e-mail address, then you will be able to register your other account that you can't currently sign in on with your original e-mail as it won't be the e-mail for a NG account.

Hope that made sense, it was kinda confusing to explain.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-10-19 10:42:16

At 10/19/05 05:51 AM, shpongled1 wrote: Now I can't log in because I have to validate the new email address, and I can't validate the new email address because it's already in use by my other account.

You think that you've entered the same e-mail address twice, but all e-mails in the database are unique - the second of the two e-mail addresses has a typo. It's missing a "d" before the .com. So, that's why you never got the confirmation mail. Not because you have two e-mails on the site that are the same, but because you have a typo in one of the two e-mail addresses you entered.


Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-10-21 11:35:59

I dont know if anyone else has this problem... I've had this problem on several computers (all macs)...

I took a screenshot and hosted it here: http://img451.images..51/1927/error1wx.png

I dont know if anything can be done to fix it, but i was wondering why it was doing it...

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-10-21 11:37:32

Heres another example:

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-10-21 18:55:43

Ive got a little idea;

When you watch a movie in submission, it waits until the movie is loaded until it plays. Right? So you cant just vote without watching.

Now I waited until this 4,376kb movie loaded, then I watched it. And then clicked 'Review this movie' not knowing it was going to open in the same window. I didnt think it would matter, so I wrote my review.. etc. etc.

Now I went back a few steps in my browser to the movie, and I had to reload the movie, and wait 2-3 minutes before I could vote. And the movie already passed after this few minutes so I lost my saviour points.

Couldnt you add in a little data in the database of when a user clicks 'view this.. xx' it logs thier name, when its in the portal and un-blammed/un-saved, so if you do click off the window, you can come back and not wait. And when the movie has passed judgement/failed judgement, it clears this data out of the DB so it doenst lag up the DB.

Got idea? Bad idea?

Or.. you can make the reviews open in a new window on the page (not after you have voted, I know it opens then). Lol.

Wow a long post. liljim, tom, wade.. whoever. Please read this post and take it into concideration, even though you'll probably just pass over this idea and be like 'Blurg!' :(

Thats my 2 cents,

"Actually, the server timed out trying to remove all your posts..."


Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-10-22 15:45:09

"Latest News" Idea

Being a collab starter, i think it'd be very convenient if the creator of the thread could have a space at the top of the page, to display the latest news. I try to be the first one to post on the new pages, but i don't always make it.

This would be a good idea to keep your guys updated. Once the creator of the thread updates the "Latest News" it updates it on all the pages, so no one is un-informed. Tell me what you think.

Ignorance is bliss.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-10-23 03:27:54

Some simple ideas

The number of users that have an author or a submission favorited should be publicly visible. For users that stat could go under the batting average and for Flash is should go under/by the votes and views.

The ability to have a "Favorite Audio Artists" and "Favorite Music" listings along with Flash. As an additional crazy thought, "Favorite BBS Posters" or just simply "Favorite NG Users". It'd cut down on those threads at least.

Winning the weekly top 5 in the AP should be displayed with an award in the profile.

Add more Audio and Flash moderators. It takes forever for things to get unflagged as it is.

Make it just a tad bit easier to get the Gold Whistle. It's virtually impossible to get it now.

Expand the top reviewers list and add it to the users section. I still miss the old thread :(

Eventually you know you're going to have to fix the level system somehow. The gaps are just going to keep growing until it takes a year to level up. Might as well fix it before it gets worse.

Show birthday in profile.

Either get rid of the "School" field or have it show up in the profile.

Change the "Job" in the profile to say "Occupation" like in the edit menu or vice versa.

We need a foreign language Flash collection.

Allow NGBBS to support Japanese and other language characters. Just for kicks. :D

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-10-24 11:53:34

It happened to me more than one time that I reviewed something, and got a response a long, long time after that. By that time, I managed to get a lot more responses to reviews, so when I see that I have new responses, I can't find the response that i got, because it is sorted by the date you wrote the review.
Why not sorting it also by "date of response", it would make the searching for the new responses a lot easier...

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-10-24 22:15:27

Um,I dont know if this has already been said but,I think it would be nice to have a rule where you cant submit those little picture flash thingies.You know,with the pictures changing showing something.Because all people have to do is go to google,look up pictures,and put in whatever there looking for,and also,you dont even need flash to do it.theres a program in paint that makes you use pictures for sliding picture things,not flash.


Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-10-24 23:09:20

There should be a more visible link to the icon-helper page to avoid having to keep posting the link in the news to inform people and to increase icon in-flow. Somewhere on the Front Page, the Portal page, or the Submit Content page.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-10-25 07:49:19


Crap, i've forgotten it.. One moment

O yeah; maybe have a BBS Rank list. Underneath;

Experience: Ranked # 10,335 out of 849,829 users!
Blam/Protect: Ranked # 5,217 out of 849,829 users!

So it would be like;

BBS Posts: Ranked # 18,403 out of 849,829 users!

For example: It would cut down on those "#1-50 BBS Poster list" and stuff. And it would be cool to know where you are on the BBS post. So people know where they stand on the BBS. :D

"Actually, the server timed out trying to remove all your posts..."


Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-10-25 14:21:00

A "favorite user" option in profiles? Lots of people like somebody, yet, that person has no flash. It's a small suggestion, I'm not into it that much.

Then there's this other minor suggestion. How about putting the score of a flash in brackets from the drop-down menu of the "favorite flash" in profiles? I'm sure the batting average could also be put in the favorite authors as well.


arab_freak (B+)
Sida: Invisible Evil (3.26)

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-10-25 20:15:21

At 6/8/05 05:49 PM, Denvish wrote: Characters on front page linking through to respective collection.


Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-10-26 00:01:15

At 10/25/05 07:49 AM, IWantSomeCookies wrote: BBS Posts: Ranked # 18,403 out of 849,829 users!

That would just encourage spam for stats.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-10-27 19:21:12

I think it would be a cool idea to create a sports section for the bbs. Ive seen a few very good sport-related topics in the general area that aren't recgonized as much as they should be. This way people would always have a place where they can discuss their favorite sport. Also, since there are different pro sports occuring diffrent times in the year, this section would stay alive 365 days a year.

What do you think?


BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-10-27 19:28:34

At 10/26/05 08:43 PM, Funkybob2 wrote: One thing that really needs to be on the bbs is a message showing when you've reached your qouta of 4 topics per 24 hours directly when you click on the "new topic" button, so you don't have to try posting to see.

If you make 4 topics in 24 hours without realising it, you're making too many threads.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-10-27 19:37:23

While it may take some work, i think it would be helpful to have a page where all the ideas posted in this thread can be looked over, cause too many times ideas are repeated over and over...

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-10-28 02:28:54

At 10/19/05 10:42 AM, liljim wrote:
It's missing a "d" before the .com. So, that's why you never got the confirmation mail.

Gahhhh, and the reason it wouldn't let me change it is because I kept putting it in wrong...thanks for the link. Sorry to waste your time.


Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-10-28 08:13:55

just a quick one:
in the portal buddies..
when someone is on your pending list is it possible that you could make their name also a link to their profile.. or have a link to their profile somwhere?

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

// Sig Makers // WWE Fans // Tumblr //

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-10-28 18:51:46

I was thinking...even though no one reaslly cares about the AP...

whenever we say that a song is stolen, it doesnt really say that its stolen or anything.

you marked it stolen, whoop dee doo.

I was thinking that, like, if more than, say 5 people marked a track 'stolen' the track could become a 'rusted' track or a 'garbage' track
(much like the whistle lvls)
And you could make a new graphic for the disk and everyhting, and you could also easily tell if it is stolen or not, and other people would know too.

just a thought.


pervokatively provocative perverted person

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-10-29 09:34:16

Okay, about a list of reviews for a flash/reviewer and clicking on review this submission. I found out that when you're on the Thanks for voting screen and you click on either read reviews or review the submission, it gives you a pop up of whichever one you clicked on. Shouldn't those links go to the same window instead of a new one?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-10-29 14:27:13

When a user is online, i think a * would be a good idea to have after their name when they make a post in a thread. I realise that it would tell you at the bottom of the topic list but when you are in a thread or when there is a lot of people online it would be more convenient to see there online with this *.

The BBC forums use this feature and it works well'

This will probably have major flaws in or something, most of my ideas do.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2005-10-29 14:45:06

Craply done visual representation of my above idea.

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2