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Reviews for "Luis Day Song"

I hope it's not a StrawberryClock movie.

I don't care for those.

In all seriousness, this movie is fucking addicting.

It's like, show and tell from an adult, it's astoundingly effective, bwahaha.

Nice StrawberryClock V reference. :)
Happy Luis Daaaaay.

This flash was cool, I liked it. :)

Liked where this flash was going. One of Tom fulps best friend has his own day in celebration. The music was pretty cool. It was straight to the point and it got a lot of attention. It's sorta like the Pico Day theme song made by Jazza but this is a theme song for Luis Day. The Art and Animation was good. I can see you used FBF animation and other stuff with it. This flash was quite unique since you described how he became your friend and all that information. Overall, this flash was great and I enjoyed watching this! Great Work Tom Fulp! Responses are gladly appreciated! :D


PS: I know Luis is one of your best friends but was it really necessary to make a day for him? I mean, Pico Day is essential and Denvish Day has been around, but Luis Day? What's next....a Seamonky Day? :/

PSS: Happy Luis Day I guess. :/

TomFulp responds:

Thanks for the thorough review. :)

I wasn't the one who came up with Luis Day, but I wholeheartedly support it because Luis has been a cherished part of the NG community for a long time now. :)


i loved it, happy luis day!


That was funny but kind of disturbing.


Can I download this song anywhere?

TomFulp responds:

I suppose I could submit it to the Audio Portal...!