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Reviews for "Luis Day Song"

OMG, Tom...

Well, as funny as that was, Tom I have a request.

Never sing again. Ever.

But funny movie. I'm sure it'll go down in some sort of history or something as most tome-deaf song ever released on Newgrounds.

And rightfully so.

Here's some heart balloons in commemoration.

~<3 ~<3 ~<3 ~<3

I smell a hit single.

Certainly didn't expect this from Tom Fulp himself.


what the hell did that last guys say? he am english bad


Very sweet Tom.

I'm afraid I'll have to disagree with you on one thing though. Luis didn't invent the collab! T0MMY did!


Funny, but seems kinda queer (no offence)

The animation was kinda funny, and i liked how you said "he's my friend"