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Reviews for "Luis Day Song"

Tom is singing :O

Woah Tom, nice work :P.
Graphics weren'r that great but it was frecking funny :P and
Luis will be happy with it

Nice Tribute to Luis

Great job on this Tom. The graphics were very well done.The song was pretty good too. Also Stamper's piano music was a great touch.
Keep up the great work my friend! ! !

) Responses Are Greatly Appreciated: )


Simply Amazing Tom.

I really liked the song. I'm going to make an MP3. version for it, up for download. I'd love to hear that on my iPod. It was so freaking sweet. I swear. The song was catchy, and I really enjoyed the whole theme to it. It's better late than never, and it's worth it.

Ah, this is great. Simply Brilliant.
Keep it up.

You're weird, Tom

This is the guy who invented Newgrounds.

Dandy Work Tom

Ha ha, I thought you were taking a break from flash. :P In the mean time, I laughed at your song/cartoon. The song was somewhat...... let just say ok. You sounded kinda of miserable when you sang it. In the mean time, try making the song a bit better.

By the way..... Happy Luis Day! ^^