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Reviews for "Turret Pong"

Pretty good, mostly with previous post.

Just like the guy before me said, make it so you can choose when your turret moves left/right. Maybe Left and Right move it Left/Right while Up/Down rotates the Turret. Overall not bad.

just a good game

so simeple but so fun

One Thing

The only major hang-up I have with the game is that you can't control the left-right motion of the turret, which often leads to unfortunate shot placement or the ball going in because you can only shoot at it sideways. It was frustrating.

Seems Flawed

I Believe it has potential, but I the fact you can't shoot while turning your turret while the enemy is always barraging you (although its accuracy isn't the best) is kind of a big screw up imo

2 for Graphics because they seem a bit to basic
5 for style cause its a new twist on an old classic although i'm pretty sure i've played something like this
1 for sound because you can turn it off!
0 for violence cause... thats a given :P
2 for Interactivity... because of what i brought up earlier with the turning and shooting
0 for humor is a given as well

Overall 4
Keep at it! its got potential.
I think you've got quite a few kinks to work out thats all

This game is awesome

It was really difficult to get a handle on how to do this, but it's a really good game once you get the hang of it. Good job.