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Reviews for "Turret Pong"

Wow so everything does have to have guns

lol, great game man,took a classic and...fucked it up so much that it was actually awesome, lol, it was nice, but uh, have another powerup for damage that the balls do, so when you hit the ball it goes faster, also, maybe have it so that balls that dont bounce off the walls and hit the comps gun paralyze it for a second, idk, just giving you more twists to add if u want to

But great game

difficult, but nice

well, usually pong is pong.... but holy crap that was hard. this one had a VERY big and good challenge to it, on both easy and hard modes. i had a very hard time on easy as it was was, hard was just insanely hard... prehaps a little too hard, but thats a good way to keep you playing for a long time because you really want to try and do good in this one and not just have a score of under 5.

too hard

this game is too hard on easy. it should be easier to block it from passing your side but that is the only flaw.

P.S. I couldn't imagine beating hard mode.

p.s.2. If u thew in a couple specials when you put in a goal it could of been easier or funner.

Very Nice Concept

The game was well done over all. I did not encounter any bugs nor did I run into any problems; and I didn't even read the instructions.

I believe I have seen this concept before, but not recently. This game will probably sit on the front page for a day or two. The music was only slightly annoying after the 50th loop, however it is a longer loop than some people have used in previous games.

I found that not being able to control the horizontal motion of the turret provided an extra challenge. But unlike other reviewers, I was able to control the direction of turret fire.

Great, but...

It sort of pissed me off how the ... we'll call it the pongball since i dont know what its called... how it would get under halfway in my territory and i couldnt be able to do anything about it cuz my turret would be moving away from it helplessly... I like the idea of being able to move the turret.