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Reviews for "Turret Pong"


I suck at it but its good


this is got to be the best take on pong have ever played.


a very fun and even slightly addictive game. i lost on lvl 11. i lost due to the fact that wen the ball was near my base half my shos broughtn it in close to me :'(... how come upgrading stuff like the size of the ball only seems to work the first time, and then its a waste of points?
5 for violence and humor cuz, well yur shooting a damn pong ;)


It is total crap that the computer gets a free upgrade every level. The computer should only be able to buy an upgrade when it scores 5 cumulative points, same as the player. I outscored the computer 9-0, 6-1, 5-0, 3-0, and then lost on level 5 because he suddenly had size 3 balls and decent speed.

Decent Game.

Wasn't bad at all... Could use a little tuning, It's rather annoying shooting at the ball for 20 seconds before it even moves...