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Reviews for "Turret Pong"

too hard

this game is too hard on easy. it should be easier to block it from passing your side but that is the only flaw.

P.S. I couldn't imagine beating hard mode.

p.s.2. If u thew in a couple specials when you put in a goal it could of been easier or funner.

fun, but too hard

great game and was fun, very unique as well. but i agree with flibbertigibbet, it's too hard. even on easy difficulty, unless you can manage to somehow get five points in the first match, then the second one ends up owning you because you can only have two powerups. reccomendation: change the point system so that you can get more points, therefore making the game more balanced instead of favoring the AI.

Seems Flawed

I Believe it has potential, but I the fact you can't shoot while turning your turret while the enemy is always barraging you (although its accuracy isn't the best) is kind of a big screw up imo

2 for Graphics because they seem a bit to basic
5 for style cause its a new twist on an old classic although i'm pretty sure i've played something like this
1 for sound because you can turn it off!
0 for violence cause... thats a given :P
2 for Interactivity... because of what i brought up earlier with the turning and shooting
0 for humor is a given as well

Overall 4
Keep at it! its got potential.
I think you've got quite a few kinks to work out thats all

i loved and hated it

GREAT concept, but a pain in the ass to play


it kept making me not fire so i died on the 2ND lvl !