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Reviews for "Turret Pong"

Pretty good, mostly with previous post.

Just like the guy before me said, make it so you can choose when your turret moves left/right. Maybe Left and Right move it Left/Right while Up/Down rotates the Turret. Overall not bad.


It is total crap that the computer gets a free upgrade every level. The computer should only be able to buy an upgrade when it scores 5 cumulative points, same as the player. I outscored the computer 9-0, 6-1, 5-0, 3-0, and then lost on level 5 because he suddenly had size 3 balls and decent speed.


this is got to be the best take on pong have ever played.

Very Nice Concept

The game was well done over all. I did not encounter any bugs nor did I run into any problems; and I didn't even read the instructions.

I believe I have seen this concept before, but not recently. This game will probably sit on the front page for a day or two. The music was only slightly annoying after the 50th loop, however it is a longer loop than some people have used in previous games.

I found that not being able to control the horizontal motion of the turret provided an extra challenge. But unlike other reviewers, I was able to control the direction of turret fire.

Ah, this was a bit different kind of Pong game. The interface looks professional, the music's catchy, and the game itself is a nice twist. I don't like how you constantly move though and have no ability to control the turret yourself, it's easy to hit the ball once, have the foe hit it back, and not be able to do something since you're on the wrong side of the screen. With manual control it'd be awesome, keep it going!
