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Reviews for "Bunnykill 3 Vol.2"


So, you finally came around to it. I hope you make more. The violence is awesome. Just watching heads get sliced in half, various body parts exploding, and seeing the kill meter go up is enough to drive me to it like bees protecting their Queen.


that was obviously the best bunnykill eva!!!

I <3 u Man and i was hoping that when the thing said "Finished, Finally" that it only meant that mission...and not the series...best on newgrounds

Mottis responds:

Haha thanks.
It only meant this episode.

This is probably the coolest movie ever!

The violence, the killing, the bunnies! this was a very good peice of work. I could make these animations! But anyway, all 10s, this was great and it made my day.


Doesn't need a explanination. IT'S AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Loved it dude. the music was a good mix, the weapons were a little repetative, but tthe fighting was constant and freaking rape. I loved it wehn the robot thingy came in and started raping all of the other robot thingies. and then snowball was like baking into the elevator, like with his sword raised. haha nice