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Reviews for "Bunnykill 3 Vol.2"


Damn have I been looking forward to this! I had high expectations for this since it was so long in coming but you didn't fail to deliver one bit. Animation was slick and the action was top notch. This is by far the most badass thing I've seen on NG in a long time. Kickass job dude!!!! Bunnykill rules.


an incredible feat, my friend. so smooth..

the subtleties in the animation is what really made it for me... the things that nobody would think to animate. great job!!!!!

Can't wait for the next one! (please tell me there's going to be a next one!)



Good way to end it. Im mad his buddy had to die though! Argh!

totally wicked

Great ending scene! And what a nice duo they had.
Also the Professor reminds a lot of Doctor Robotnik