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Reviews for "Bunnykill 3 Vol.2"

Its finally over!


Its over!i was allways waiting for the last submission,but now that its finally over,i feel emty.Poor smoke!Overall,that was a great storyline. When smoke died i was like "oh ****!" Nice action and story overall, a suggestion is that you make a game of bunnykill or a bunnykill 4-5 thats a game,not a movie.that would kick @$$!

Mottis responds:

Over? It's not over. Far from it. I'm currently making Bunnykill 4. It's story will have nothing to do with this one.

I'm not going to make a game though, tried it, didn't work out. I'm not going into details.

Fuck. Yes.

I have been anticipating this for months on end, and now it's finally out it leaves no dissapointment. The inclusion of robotic enemies that were ACTUALLY DIFFICULT TO DEFEAT was genius, as was the gigantic mutant android.

That was insane!

Definitely a madness-fan favorite.The bunnies at some cuteness to it in my opinion :D

I <3 Bunnies

man i really like it i prefer your flashes than the starwars movies keep up with the good work xD

The whole serie is cool.

You improved from the first to the last episode , you are a good flash animator. Kepp it up the good work ;F