When i was going to watch BK 3 vol.2 and i saw the score of it (4.53) i was expecting something really good and at least matching best Krinkels's madness combats. I like all Bunykills, but especially the second one was very similiar to Madness Combats - you know, good but nothing new or too inventive.
But this is AWESOME, it barely could be better! Yeah this really CAN match all the best Krinkels's movies. I must say this is also one of best Star Wars parodies (not only Star Wars ;o) ) i have ever seen.
When Snowball and Smoke started to bring havoc on poor little bunnies in Scene 1 i knew this would be very VERY good, but the sleeping bunny on the first floor or the other one making "Ooops!" when killing his mate, convinced me that this movie is worth its score. Even without the final battle which is like the top of the milk.
I only wonder if Lucas would let you use the song Duel of The Fates when Darth Dust appears - it would make it even more WOOT!!! FO' SHIZZLE! (and i guess you could win Star Wars fan movie contest on Atomfilms with it ;o) ).
Btw. Why Smoke have to save Snowballs live so many times? :))