that was really awesome. I love it. That mus have been hard to make though, if its fbf, I applaude you, and envy you!
that was really awesome. I love it. That mus have been hard to make though, if its fbf, I applaude you, and envy you!
Yes, it's fbf. It's very important that people understand that because that's partially the reson why it takes so long for me to finish these movies. =)
hmm its good but it needs somethin.....
i like all of it 1-3.2 its realy good i liked in the creidts on witch flashed u used and the ending part with that monster but are you gonna bring smoke back and the dunny with the mahawk? oh and one thing have you ever thought of puttin a girl bunny in bunny kill? i mean not as an enemy but as an allie cause that would be awsome ^_^
I already resurrected Dust and Smoke once. I don't see why I couldn't do it again. The stories have nothing to do with eachother, so I can bring anyone back if I wish.
Oh, and I am thinking about adding a pink girl bunny called ruby or something in the next bunnykill. We'll see.
Very good
i love it.
this and the madness series are the top of the line!
i love the bit at the end (after the credits) very scary!
Simply genial
These movies are some of the best flash animations i have ever watched! That big cyborg-thing is the creepiest thing EVER!!! Please keep on making bunnykill movies!!! ^^
when snowball was surrounded by the metal robots i thought TO BE CONTINUED