I know someone else alredy asked... But could you please tell the name o the songs used in both par 1 and 2?
I know someone else alredy asked... But could you please tell the name o the songs used in both par 1 and 2?
but the Robot is still alive!...
So the Final Battle (with Dust) its like the Panthom Menace: the villain wears a double lightsaber and the heroes wear a lightsaber each one, after some time one of the heroes die, the villain is about to kill the main hero, and the hero makes a swift movement, killing the villain.
The battle and its characters are like: Dust (Darth Maul), Smoke ( Qui-Gon Jin) and Snowball (Obi-Wan Kenobi)
Also, there are Lightsabers and "laser-like guns" who kill you instantly.
About Bunnykill 3 I wanna know All names of all songs from Both Patrs. From Vol.1 and From Vol.2.
Professor Sludge gives me a Doctor Robotnik feel, floating semicircle craft, funny hair, facial hair, machines, brilliant scientist who makes robots that look like the hero, etc.
The lightsabers were cool and all, though I think giving Dust the force near the end there was a bit much, especially since he only really used it once.
All in all it was an excellent flash though, happy I rewatched this.