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Reviews for "Bunnykill 3 Vol.2"


That was the greatest!! This is the first flash I have been had a been waiting for after the prequel, I even checked your profile to see and you said it was 95% done 6 days ago... and it was awesome, not too bloody too... thanx for not overdoing it this time. I felt sorry that his ally died, but at least he destroyed the facility.
And even though this don't have a clifhanger like the last one, this is still awesome. It may not beat the Madness series but it beats Madness's limited story but not it's episode lenth. I loved the final guy at the end (even if he strangely looked like Dust) and the ending fly-away in the ship. I also laughed when he threw that Dust look-alike in the cogs and Snowball closed his eyes when he was beeing grindid up, that was funny. This is seriously like the best sequelized submission I have seen on NG.
I only wish that would you continue the Bunnykill series... unless I'm hoping this isn't your Omega Episode... I love Bunnykill, but not as much as Madness.


Mottis responds:

Thanks, but I once again must point this out. I even mentioned this in the description so you SHOULD know it by now.

The Bunnykill 1, 2 and 3's stories have absolutely NOTHING to do with eachother. Call them different dimensions if you want. I use same characters, but in each bunnykill they are in different roles. This means that allthough The brown Bunny you saw there wasn't the same Dust as in Bunnykill2, he was Dust.


OMG that was the best bunny kill flash ever!!!! I LOVED IT!!!!


OMG you're a genius that a proven fact now! GREAT JOB. If you're able to make some 3d animation in the next ones then you'll have beaten Xiao Xiao in terms of quality and entertainment!(not sure on the spelling, my english sucks lol) Anyway keep up the good work!


What would i do without bunnykill like what's better than the slaughter of bunnies i also like how you can see how much of each type of bunny snowball killed. Great work ;p


Great animation there, watched the 4th first for some reason liked what I saw so watched the rest of the episodes, the music compliments the animation.

good work, keep it up