That was the greatest!! This is the first flash I have been had a been waiting for after the prequel, I even checked your profile to see and you said it was 95% done 6 days ago... and it was awesome, not too bloody too... thanx for not overdoing it this time. I felt sorry that his ally died, but at least he destroyed the facility.
And even though this don't have a clifhanger like the last one, this is still awesome. It may not beat the Madness series but it beats Madness's limited story but not it's episode lenth. I loved the final guy at the end (even if he strangely looked like Dust) and the ending fly-away in the ship. I also laughed when he threw that Dust look-alike in the cogs and Snowball closed his eyes when he was beeing grindid up, that was funny. This is seriously like the best sequelized submission I have seen on NG.
I only wish that would you continue the Bunnykill series... unless I'm hoping this isn't your Omega Episode... I love Bunnykill, but not as much as Madness.