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Reviews for "Bunnykill 3 Vol.2"


I've waited for almost two years for the second part. It was worth the wait, although it was a little two long for it to me, but w/e. The point is, it's finished and I still enjoyed it.

I felt sorry for Snowballs buddy's death. He was a big help for him. Other than that, it rocked. I liked the moves that were put together while Snowball killed some soldiers that beind him.

And as I may recall, I left you a review on "Bunnykill 3 Vol. 1" while back in '05, complaining about the sounds of the light sabers. About that, I apoligize making an ass out of myself, I tried looking for other sounds for the sabers on the net, but I couldn't find any others.

Other than that, well done. I look foreword to other flashes from you, if you're continuing.


ive waited 2 years for this and its deffinitly worth it! 2 bad u killed some though


nicly done but it was a rip of of star wars...


Words cannot describe what i feel for this movie. It's amazing how fast you made this. It only took you like 3 months, but just look at the amount of fbf you put into it.

The movie also had its own unique style that was different to madness, for instance the blood was all circles, and the fighting is sorta never seen in madness movies, just shooting. So you brought it to the next level, and thats why this deserves top50 of all time.

I heard a couple rumors saying that you quit animation, but i hope its not true and that you keep making bunnykills, cause these are the only animations that i turn to for inspiration anymore.

Bravo, spectacular job.


did anyone recognised where the last battle was inspired from?
ya, from starwars episode one and three.
it was a nice choice though. it was classic, yet it was fitting for a space themed episode, good job
i hope in the next one there will be more techies