I've waited for almost two years for the second part. It was worth the wait, although it was a little two long for it to me, but w/e. The point is, it's finished and I still enjoyed it.
I felt sorry for Snowballs buddy's death. He was a big help for him. Other than that, it rocked. I liked the moves that were put together while Snowball killed some soldiers that beind him.
And as I may recall, I left you a review on "Bunnykill 3 Vol. 1" while back in '05, complaining about the sounds of the light sabers. About that, I apoligize making an ass out of myself, I tried looking for other sounds for the sabers on the net, but I couldn't find any others.
Other than that, well done. I look foreword to other flashes from you, if you're continuing.