George Lucas going to sue somebody!
George Lucas going to sue somebody!
Very Good
When I saw this my first reaction was well it's about time all I can say is that it was very good Im not sure what my favourite Bunnykill is but this would be somewhere up there good luck on Bunnykill 4.
that is the best
one of the best violence rabbit cartoon i have seen
suprisingly good
even though i dont like blood and gore, but Bunnykill has an exeption.It has a great story line.They should make more Bunnykills, it is awsome! Everyone should support Bunnykill.
A good conclusion.
Fitting I suppose, I wasn't helped by catching a glimpse of a previous review saying 'BOOHOO Smoke died' (paraphrased with correct spelling). However, despite the previous animations which stretch between plagiarism mixed with creativity, i felt that you simply neglected some of the originality left in Bunnykill, so thus totally ripped off something that's already been created. I adore the series, and like this, but I felt that such a climax was just a little bland and familiar. Congratulations on a successful series, but this is arguably the worst of the four so far.