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Reviews for "CC Flash Jam"


btw i gave you a five

MetalDart responds:

Thanks for the five. PM sent to you about music. :)


Glad you submitted it! I see you liked the name too!

Congrats on your first Flash! Good luck on its way thru the portal!


MetalDart responds:

Thanks Viper!
I really liked the name you suggested and decided to stick with it. And so far, it will make it through the portal. Happy Clock Day!

thats was good

That Was Really Good....short but good! Its was pretty funny!


MetalDart responds:

lol, pretty simplistic review.
But still, thanks for the good score and nice review. :)


^^Good Points^^
I really liked the music the best. I've never heard the song before, but the lyrics of it were quite funny, and it went along well with this movie. The ending was great too.

^^Needs Improving^^
The drawings are kind of crap in some places. Some things are really easy things to fix and probably just because you rushed things. Also, things moved really quickly, it was hard to follow sometimes.

Review Request Club.

MetalDart responds:

I loved the music as well. :)
As for the graphics, I did rush them. I only had one day to make the flash. XD

lmao wut?

That was just plain out silly and full of nonsense but i really loved that song it was catchy and funny as all hell (especially the end) but the quality could use a lot of improvement cause i couldn't comprehend some parts but regardless i got a great laugh from this Clock short.