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Reviews for "CC Flash Jam"


The preloader was sweet but everything beyond that looked like it was drawn on MS paint. The Music got very annoying after a while and the screenshots of NG could have been better quality but at least you could read it. And the tecxt could have been more lively instead of hand drawn like maybe a more appropriate theme for the flash. It was ok but definately not going to be up in my favorites anytime soon.

[Review Request Club]

MetalDart responds:

Ah yes, the harsh review. :)
Actually, I thank you that you used tough criticsm. I made this flash in one day, so yeah, the graphics are mediocre. I like them personally, but yes, there is room for improval. Also, I worked a lot on the screen shots. They come out differently in Flash, and I was frusterated at that. I just needed the basic idea to be understood, and I guess I sort of did that. I loved the song, but the quality came out a little edgy. Sorry you didn't enjoy that.

Thanks for the review, I need all the criticism I can get, but I need ice for that burn. :P