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Reviews for "CC Flash Jam"


Ha, that was great. And I couldnt believe that was your first flash, amazing for your first, you have alot of potential. That song was hilarious too, I would have liked it to be longer, like a full maybed 2-3 minutes movie. Great job, keep up the great work!

MetalDart responds:

Yeah. I wanted it to be longer too. But I only had one day and the song wasn't long enough. :(
Thanks for the good review! :D

Best First Flash

Compared to many other users' first flashes, yours is the best, far more than some 5 second loop or stick animation. You have a bright future ahead of you.

MetalDart responds:

Thanks for the great review! :D

A pretty good first flash

~The Pros~

This flash had really good animation for a first flash, and I'm proud of you -MetalDart-. The animation was well done, and I enjoyed it at first. Well, this was a quick little Clock Day Flash, and the sound was fitting to the theme of it. It was a quick little tune that fit really well with the flash itself, and it was done without any glitches or static at all. Also, this flash was kind of funny, but not that much.

~The Cons~
There really wasn't that much animation throughout this flash. There were just a lot of still images moving around. Also, there really wasn't any backgrounding at all, and that is important in a flash. Also, this flash was pretty corny, and I think that making the humor a little better will only benefit the flash. Other than that, good job!

Overall, a pretty solid first flash. I'm looking forward to seeing more work from you! ~Review Request Club~

3 out of 5

MetalDart responds:

Cool. Thanks for the review.
Yeah, it may be a little corny, but I am very pleased with it.

pretty good

the song was pretty catchy in this flash, i like the part with "animated gif". the music playing in the backround was pretty good to it went with the fast moving...ness of the flash, it sounds like an exersize tape to me.

well i wont go as hard on as fluffy but the graphics werent that good, i understand you had one day to make this so it was pretty good.

good first flash

MetalDart responds:

Here's your response. :D
Thanks for the good score!


The preloader was sweet but everything beyond that looked like it was drawn on MS paint. The Music got very annoying after a while and the screenshots of NG could have been better quality but at least you could read it. And the tecxt could have been more lively instead of hand drawn like maybe a more appropriate theme for the flash. It was ok but definately not going to be up in my favorites anytime soon.

[Review Request Club]

MetalDart responds:

Ah yes, the harsh review. :)
Actually, I thank you that you used tough criticsm. I made this flash in one day, so yeah, the graphics are mediocre. I like them personally, but yes, there is room for improval. Also, I worked a lot on the screen shots. They come out differently in Flash, and I was frusterated at that. I just needed the basic idea to be understood, and I guess I sort of did that. I loved the song, but the quality came out a little edgy. Sorry you didn't enjoy that.

Thanks for the review, I need all the criticism I can get, but I need ice for that burn. :P