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Reviews for "CC Flash Jam"

thats was good

That Was Really Good....short but good! Its was pretty funny!


MetalDart responds:

lol, pretty simplistic review.
But still, thanks for the good score and nice review. :)


...it cut off way to abruptly. The song was pretty cool, and I guess the graphics and style weren't bad. But, at the end, it cut off way to abruptly. I like the pre-loader, but what about a 'REPLAY' button? Good first flash, though. Happy Clock Day!


MetalDart responds:

I know, I think it ended too soon too. And why need a replay button, when it takes you right back to the beginning anyway?
Happy Clock Day indeed, but you are a day late. :P

Hehehe, pretty good first flash!

I love the Preloader! The Clock Day Preloader is awesome! The music in this flash was funny and cool. It's kinda catchy in a weird way. The Art and Animation was good, better then some other Clock Day Flashes I have seen. The beginning part was funny, Jew, Fag, Emo, and Nerd. I am gussing I'm in the Nerd catergory. The ending was pretty cool, "You're the man now Dawg"! The bad thing in this flash was that it was a little too short but everything else was good. Overall, this flash was good and I enjoyed watching it. Good Work! Responses are gladly appreciated. :)

GRAPHICS: 7, They were good, ot the greatest but good.
STYLE: 7, I like the style in this flash, pretty creative.
SOUND: 8, Great Music and Good, funny voices.
VIOLENCE: 5, Bad words and stuff. lol!
INTERACTIVITY: 1, A Play Button.
HUMOR: 7, The Voices, Song, and Ending.
OVERALL: 7, Good Work Metaldart. :D


MetalDart responds:

No response for you. >:(
Thanks for the good score. :D

Catchy song.

I didn't see too much that I liked on said day, so to be pointed to this was nice to see; a solid effort: produced a decent flash. May your future efforts be as effective. Also, nice graphics.

MetalDart responds:

Wow. I'm glad it stood out more than I thought. Thanks for the great review! :D


loved the music. the animation cloud of been longer though. still a great job.

MetalDart responds:

Thank you for the nice review! :D