Just as I post this im lvl 6432 make a higher monster lvl then 999. Other then that this is great!
Just as I post this im lvl 6432 make a higher monster lvl then 999. Other then that this is great!
--speakers off
for a game done less than one day, its nice dude!
nice nice nice it rawkz!!!!
ok, it does not really rawkz so much but its much fun!
Best fighting game in the world
This game is great and gets out of hand at the end. Start of as a weak guy and turn into a really strong mage. When I posted this i was on level 3195 and it's only day 1.
This game is so sick it makes me wanna dance!
This game is hell good but u should definitely try 2 make it harder 2 go up level coz i was going up like 7 levels at a time. but still sick
Was ok but was way to easy... I got to like level 11780 or something. The further you progress the easier is to go up levels, it should be the opposite. I didnt't see the point in the purchase magic option..The purchase weapon thingwas a bit weird aswell. You had all the fundamentals to make a good game but as you said you made it in a day and didnt spend long enugh refining it. potions were uselese aswell.... I think you know how to improve it anyway, hope this review helps... next time put in a bit of extra time and make it a decent game, not a mediocre one.