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Reviews for "The Challenge RPG"

to easy

that was to frickin easy i had combat lvl 9999 in less than an hour and i could kill that lvl 9999 guy in one hit i did 299945620


cool though

Good, yet repetive

There was some bugs like the decimal one, the all spells at the beginning, and the excess 40mp from million volts. Plus, this is the exactly same game as the others. Yet, this one is good even though you took one day to finish it. Maybe, you can make a new one and take longer to make sure there are no bugs.


THE GAME WAS EASY TO master i was lvl 743 but you need to add 1 more better spell than demon pit.any it really really cool

Yo dudes this game rocks!

Lol it was very funny cause i am over the lvl 14000 lol.i can keep improving myself and i test how good i could be.

very good

this is just my type of game if u had just put in some harder guys, more magic, a story (like a quest) better upgrades and stuff like that this would have been perfect and mabye the best game on newgrounds if u had done loads and made it bigger